To all my readers who celebrate:

Happy Orthodox Easter!

Next post…is super fun. Also easy project you can do with your kids!
How to…???

Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog
See you soon…
To all my readers who celebrate:
Next post…is super fun. Also easy project you can do with your kids!
How to…???
Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog
See you soon…
To: All my readers, friends and family
Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog 5 star cookies
and your
See you soon….
The best Easter recipe is here – Easter Peeps Lasagna. Yes, the best lasagna your grandmother never made. But you will. BTW, it is no bake recipe. Can you see why you need to make this recipe…
Hello my dear readers,
Our recipe today is world’s best lasagna.
I will repeat, the world’s best lasagna.
Have you heard of this?
Of course not because it is exclusive recipe for you.
Or I like to call it – Breaking news for the magic recipe.
BTW, I have a very special help.
The Little Prince is on my shoulder giving me extra push and saying:
-People need extra magic in their life. Make it happen, 5 star cookies, make it happen.
So, let’s do it baking nation.
Time for real recipe magic.
It is chocolaty and supremely flavorful.
Colorful and full of fun that will take you to another level of magic.
Right above the Disneyland Park.
So, take your five star fairy wand magic stick and let’s start our baking show.
Time to get ingredients or my favorite activity called shopping.
So, what do you need to buy?
Now, if you have all ingredients we can start making world’s best lasagna.
1 package Marshmallow Chicks
1 package Marshmallow Bunnies
3/4 cup heavy cream
3 1/3 cups white chocolate chips
-Easter eggs, sprinkles, chocolate….
Line 9×5 baking pan with aluminum foil.
Spray with baking spray and set aside.
To a medium size bowl add 3 1/3 cups white chocolate chips.
Heat 3/4 cup heavy cream until almost boiled.
Pour over white chocolate and leave for 5 minutes. (don’t mix)
After 5 minutes, using a hand mixer mix white chocolate and cream.
The mixture should be smooth.
Cool it. (about 1 hour)
When you have your white chocolate mixture cooled you are ready to finish making the
best Easter Peep Lasagna.
Open your pink package of Marshmallow bunnies.
Place pink marshmallow bunnies into the bottom of a pan.
Pour the white chocolate filling over the bunnies, making sure they are completely covered.
Add second layer of marshmallow bunnies and cover with the rest of white chocolate filling.
Decorate with sprinkles, chocolate eggs, M&M, Oreo Easter eggs, Ferrero Easter eggs…
Cover and keep in the freezer.
To serve:
Take Easter Peep Lasagna from the freezer 2 hours before serving.
To print this recipe, please check the box below.
Don’t forget:
Easter Peeps Lasagna recipe from the is world's best lasagna.
Enjoy and share this magic recipe.
-Be sure to spray 9×5 pan.
-When making white chocolate filling be sure the heavy cream is very hot before pouring over white chocolate.
-Don’t mix or stir white chocolate and heavy cream for 5 minutes.
-After 5 minutes mix white chocolate chips and cream until smooth.
-Important: Cool white chocolate chips filling before adding to peeps.
Easter Peep Lasagna is truly the best lasagna recipe that will end your search for the perfect lasagna.
On top of that it is no-fuss recipe.
The taste – Chocolate Magic in Marshmallow Dreams
If you need to describe this torte you will say:
Gooey, rich, rich and reach again.
But, somehow this torte is still the biggest secret in this Universe and a lots of people never heard of it.(shame on you…)
So, let’s say it again: Shmoo Torte!
Of course to discover the secret of this amazing torte we need to go deep, very deep.
To the soul of this torte or to the ingredients.
Let’s list them.NOW!…for the full recipe check the link below…
Quiche is one of the most versatile recipes to have, the ultimate crowd-pleasing menu item
that can be made using your favorite vegetables, your favorite cheeses or meats.
It can be served on its own, or paired with soup or salad.
Very often I make this recipe on Sunday and I use leftovers next day for my office lunch. (hello, happy Monday)
So, I am eager to share my family recipe with you, my dear readers.
Check the link below.
Do you need more? Of course you do.
Easter Eggs and Baby Wipes – Abstract Art
Onion Skins – Natural Color to Your Easter Eggs
Chocolate Eggs Lasagna – Never Too Late
Deviled Barbie Eggs – Delish Beauty
Onion Skin – How to naturally dye eggs
Happy Easter – Easy Top 5 Easter Recipes
The Best Grandma’s Lasagna-The Secret
Triple Chocolate Torte-Easy Chocolate Cake
If you are looking for more ideas for Easter of 2019 please check Pinterest – Easter 5 star recipes
My choice today is FAB food blog 2pots2cook. Please check the link below.
The recipe I want to try is….
Rustic Mediterranean Easter Tart from Scratch
If you are out there in real life and you don’t have any hope, I would like to share
this short story with you.
My best friend won Lottery – $100 000. Yeees!
So, believe in MAGIC! It will happen.
The little Prince quote for YOU:
“You – you alone will have the stars as no one else has them…”
Thank you for visiting the best food blog ,
Love and hugs
from your
Can you? Of course you can and you WILL!
See you soon…..
“Happy Easter” in different languages?
Greek – καλό Πάσχα-“Kalo Pascha
In Russia they say:
“Christos Voskrese!”
and people will answer to you:
“Voistinu Voskrese!”
Ukraine – Христос Воскрес (Khrystos Voskres) means “Christ is Risen” and is the most popular Easter greeting in.
Serbian- Srecan Vaskrs
Love and hugs from your favorite food blog 5starcookies
and Cookie
See you soon….
How do you say
For this special day we need a special project.
This is so easy and mess free project and you will get beautifully colored Easter eggs.
What do you need for this project? (check your shopping list below)
-dry rice ( I bought 2 lbs)
-food coloring ( I used Wilson food gel coloring)
-plastic bags (Ziploc from the dollar store)
-boiled eggs
-plastic gloves
-eggs (use as many as you want to)
-1/2 cup rice /per bag
Boil the eggs.
Cool them for a few minutes.
IMPORTANT! You want eggs to be warmer because the color will stick better.
While the eggs are cooling, lets prepare colored rice.
Use one plastic bag per color of your choice. (I started with red)
Pour 1/2 cup of rice in bag #1
Squeeze a liberal amount of red food coloring into it.
Shake the rice so it is is coated. Make as many bags as you want to.
Add your egg, close the bag and shake the egg.
Imagine you are a very gently bartender. Shake it for 30 to 45 seconds.
Do you see your egg inside of this bag?
Take the egg out and you will have the most beautiful pattern from the dyed rice.
Now, find the bag number 2 and repeat the steps above.
Use as many bags as you wanted.
Rice will dry very quickly so keep adding more color into the bag.
Enjoy your creation!
To print this recipe, please check the box below. Easy project for Easter.
Happy Easter - Rice and Happy Eggs
This project can be done with kids.
Blast from the past – Onion Skin – How to naturally dye eggs
-another idea-using the lemon bags
Thank you for visiting
Love and hugs
from your
See you soon…
Hello my dear readers,
I have another “GOLDEN RECIPE”!
For YOU! For us!
The name is the best Nutella Carrot Cupcakes.
So, let’s make it, Baking Nation!
If you have all ingredients, we can start our baking show.
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup oil (Crisco)
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 TBSP vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups flour (AP)
2 tsp baking powder
1 TBSP cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
2 1/2 cups shredded carrots
1 1/4 cup walnuts, finally chopped
3 cups Nutella
2/3 cup heavy cream
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Line a muffin tin with cupcake wrappers.
In a bowl #1 combine 2 1/2 cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 TBSP cinnamon, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp nutmeg.
Set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix together 1/2 cup white sugar, 1 cup brown sugar and 1 cup oil.
Add 4 eggs, 1/2 TBSP vanilla and 1 cup sour cream and beat together until creamy.
Gradually add the flour mixture to the stand mixer and beat just until combined.
Stir in 2 1/2 cups shredded carrots and 1 1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts.
Fill the cupcake wrappers 2/3 full with the batter.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. (start checking after 15 minutes)
Cool it.
Beat 2/3 cup heavy cream for about 3 minutes.
Add 3 cups Nutella and mix until combined.
Cover it with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge.
The Nutella frosting can be made a day ahead.
Frost the cooled cupcakes and decorate.
You can use Happy Easter Chocolates from the Dollarama store…
Or just add some sprinkles …
Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge.
To print the recipe, please check the box below.
Nutella and Carrot Lovers - this is your golden recipe. Enjoy.
The Best Nutella Carrot Cupcakes-The Golden Recipe
Start enjoying your carrot cupcakes…I know I will (and did)
I believe in the following:
“Repetition is the key to success.”
So, let me repeat the steps for this recipe.
Please read this before you start making this cupcakes.
-first step is to make Nutella frosting (remember, you can make it a day ahead)
-line a muffin tin with cupcake wrappers.
-use bowl #1 for all all dry ingredients
-grate the carrots
-chop the walnuts
-preheat oven to 350 F
-when you completed all the steps above then you can start making the best cupcakes:
Thank you for visiting the best food blog
Love and hugs
See you soon…
It is seriously a mystery how time flies and the Easter weekend is around the corner.
I will repeat again, Easter of 2018!
We know you will be busy making a magic in your kitchen.
The magic called food.
Like always,
would like to be part of your magic family life and we would like to offer you some help.
In case you need inspiration! (and we all do)
So for your Easter menu, please check the links below.
And enjoy the magic!
1. Carrot Cake – How to make it?
2. Raspberry White Chocolate Flourless Lemon Torte – GF for your family
3. Valentines Chocolate Fantasy Torte – Check the link
4. Cinnamon Cheese Roulade – how to make it?
5. Vanilla Cupcakes – Link for YOU!
Thank you for visiting
Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog
and Cookie
See you soon….very soon.
Coming soon
Just want to wish all of you a
This is how you started this journey….my gorgeous, organic egg!
…And then you share your life with other co-workers!
And then you became … see the picture below.
On our life journey sometimes we are lonely…still it is the Easter …Happy Easter to YOU if you are single!
Happy Easter if you are in a very happy relationship…or still searching…
Anyway, enjoy this Sunday.
If you are interested how to dye eggs naturally please click the link below. It is a pure joy for your soul!
Project with your kids – How to dye eggs naturally using onion skins
Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog
P.S. Thank you for visiting my blog!
It is a time to get together with friends, family and loved ones and celebrate this joyful time.
Love and hugs
from your favorite