In the spirit of HOPE, 5 star cookies is ready to share secrets that will fill your week with smiles.
Let’s start with the most important:
The sun can recharge you and it is free. Be thankful for each and every day.

2.FaceTime or Skype
FaceTime your parents, your family or your friends.
Use technology to share your life with people you love.
Now more than ever it is important to stay connected.
3.Visit YouTube and check exercise videos
Yes, I know. And even if you don’t like to exercise it is important for your health.
So, be strong and kind to your body. Chose 10 minutes to exercise every day.
Check the links below:
20 minute FULL BODY at home workout (no equipment needed) Corona Virus Solution
Tony Robbins: Emotional Strength Training ( Tony Robbins Emotion )
4.Start Spring Cleaning
Start with your closets. Clean, clean and … Donate, donate …. donate.
Don’t forget it is so important to share your abundance.
If you want to follow Marie Kondo (link is below)
How To Organize Your Closets | Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
Other ideas to help you to clean and organize:
Small Closet Organization Ideas!
24 Super Cool Bedroom Storage Ideas That You Probably Never Considered
5.Cook something new
How about ….
Bread in 5 minutes – Forget about it – CHECK THE LINK

During this time, we have to remember the incredible power that lies within us. Yes, within US.
So, stop living in fear…because…
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” (Zig Ziglar)
See you there in a few weeks!

Love and hugs
from your
See you soon…
Share and Enjoy !
Part one … Will CONTINUE…