Deviled Barbie Eggs – Delish Beauty

Hello my dear readers,

I wanted to write this post for a very long time.

Or to be exact since February 25th.


Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-print,make and share
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-print,make and share

Because Megyn Kelly sent the following tweet:

” Umm … there was a problem getting the shells off… “


Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-Oprah's AHA moment
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-Oprah’s AHA moment

At that “AHA” moment I realized people need to know simple things:

Like how to boil eggs or how to get the shells off.

And yes, I know Megyn is wrapped in a magical shell of 69 millions and she can hired any help she wants to.

But she does not. She wants to do it.

So, from there my mind went flying to average Joe and this post was born.

(If you are asking me, why not Jane, sorry I like to slave men…in the kitchen.)

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-3 average Joe questions
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-3 average Joe questions


Now, let me continue with your average Joe questions:

How to boil eggs?

How to get the shells off?

How to make deviled Barbie eggs?

So, let’s do it baking nation.


Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-how to boil eggs
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-how to boil eggs

Shopping List

  • Organic eggs (large)
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Feta cheese
  • Sour cream (14% or 18%)
  • Carrots

Now, let’s start with first question:

How to boil eggs?

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-first question is how to boil eggs
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies- how to boil eggs

Before we start important tips:

  • Use older eggs! Fresh eggs are harder to peel.
  • Use organic eggs
  • Bring eggs to room temperature before you boiled them.

If you don’t have a few hours available and you need to bring eggs to the room temperature quickly

use the following method:


Put eggs in a bowl of very warm water.

Wait 5 to 7 minutes and you have room temperature eggs.


Place eggs in a medium size saucepan and add 1 TBSP white vinegar.

Cover them with cool water.

Bring eggs to rolling boil over high heat.

When the water has reached a boil, set the timer for 12 minutes.

Important: Boil the eggs for 12 at medium heat.

If you really like hard, hard boiled eggs set your timer for 15 minutes.

After 12 minutes or your ideal time, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the eggs rest for 10 minutes.

Then drain the hot water and run cold water over eggs until cooled.


AVERAGE JOE: How to remove shells from hard boiled eggs?

Removing the shells is easy work as long as you follow a few simple tricks.

If your eggs are cooled, remove them from water.

Dry them using a paper towel.

Take your first egg and tap each end on your counter top, to crack the shell.

After that the egg will be easy to peel. Trust me.

Please, be patient with this process. It is super easy, just don’t rush.

AVERAGE JOE: How to make Deviled Barbie Eggs?

Deviled Barbie Eggs

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-how to make deviled eggs
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-how to make deviled eggs


5 hard boiled eggs


1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese

1/4 cup feta cheese

1/8 cup sour cream

1 medium size carrot, grated

salt and pepper to taste


5 egg yolks

Italian parsley

Optional: minced garlic


Prepare the filling: Combine ricotta cheese, feta cheese and sour cream.

Add grated carrot, salt and pepper. Set aside for a moment.

Cut eggs in half lengthwise.

Remove yolks and place them in a small bowls.

Arrange the egg white halves on a serving plate.

Using a spoon or ice cream scoop add the filling into the egg whites halves.

Decorate with Italian parsley, minced garlic and egg yolks pieces.

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks

Enjoy and share.

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-print,make and share

Deviled Barbie Eggs

Yield: 4 people
Prep Time: 9 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 21 minutes

Simple recipe, perfect for family gathering, Easter or just any day of the week.

Enjoy and share Deviled Barbie Eggs from  with Meghan Kelly, all your family and  friends.


  • 5 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup feta cheese
  • 1/8 cup sour cream
  • 1 medium size carrot, grated
  • 5 egg yolks
  • Italian parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: minced garlic


  1. Prepare the filling: Combine ricotta cheese, feta cheese and sour cream.
  2. Add grated carrot, salt and pepper. Set aside for a moment.
  3. Cut eggs in half lengthwise.
  4. Remove yolks and place them in a small bowls.
  5. Arrange the egg white halves on a serving plate.
  6. Using a spoon or ice cream scoop add the filling into the egg whites halves.
  7. Decorate with Italian parsley, minced garlic and egg yolks pieces.             
  8. Enjoy and share.   
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

Don’t forget:


Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks

If you want to print instructions “How to boil eggs?” check the box below.

Also, it includes to remove shells from hard boiled eggs.

How to boil eggs

Learn how to boil eggs and remove shells?


  1. How to boil eggs?
  2. Place eggs in a medium size saucepan and add 1 TBSP white vinegar.
  3. Cover them with cool water.
  4. Bring eggs to rolling boil over high heat.
  5. When the water has reached a boil, set the timer for 12 minutes.
  6. Important: Boil the eggs for 12 at medium heat.
  7. If you really like hard, hard boiled eggs set your timer for 15 minutes.
  8. After 12 minutes or your ideal time, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the eggs rest for 10 minutes.
  9. Then drain the hot water and run cold water over eggs until cooled.
  10. AVERAGE JOE: How to remove shells from hard boiled eggs?
  11. Removing the shells is easy work as long as you follow a few simple tricks.
  12. If your eggs are cooled, remove them from water.
  13. Dry them using a paper towel.
  14. Take your first egg and tap each end on your counter top, to crack the shell.
  15. After that the egg will be easy to peel. Trust me.
  16. Please, be patient with this process. It is super easy, just don't rush.                     


Before we start important tips:

-Use older eggs! Fresh eggs are harder to peel.

-Use organic eggs

-Bring eggs to room temperature before you boiled them.

If you don't have a few hours available and you need to bring eggs to the room temperature quickly

use the following method:

Put eggs in a bowl of very warm water.

Wait 5 to 7 minutes and you have room temperature eggs.

Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g


Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and enjoy
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and enjoy

Now you know how to boil eggs, peel the shells and make the best Deviled Barbie Eggs.


Cloud Eggs-Cloud Technology in Food Industry

Feeling cloudy? Want to make something that you can eat with the angels when you are traveling by plane. Do you know what I am talking about? Of course you do.

Cloud Eggs

Cloud Eggs and Cloud technology in our food industry from the best food blog 5starcookies Egg Yolks
Cloud Eggs and Cloud technology in our food industry from the best food blog 5starcookies Egg Yolks

Happy Easter – Rice and Happy Eggs

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice

Cookie Candy or When you need a hug

Cookie Candy from the best food blog 5starcookies- pink and white candy
Cookie Candy from the best food blog 5starcookies- pink and white candy


-Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, our favorite royal couple have officially moved out of their Kensington Palace home and

into their new cottage in Windsor. All the best to them with our favorite

Meghan Royal Angel Dream Cake – Settle for More

Meghan Royal Dream Angel Love cake from the best food blog 5starcookies
Meghan Royal Dream Angel Love cake from the best food blog 5starcookies

-Megyn Kelly is still looking for job. If I have to guess where she will go….

My guess is … CBS.

Let’s see . Until then…enjoy Deviled Barbie Eggs

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-decorate with Italian parsley,garlic and egg yolks

Thank you for visiting

Love and hugs

from your


See you soon…

Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Deviled Barbie Eggs from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Ricotta Spinach Quiche – Joy from France

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - joy from France
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – joy from France

Hello my dear readers,

I always was and I always will be in love with…


Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies -French recipe
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies -French recipe

Always. And for so many different reasons.

One of them is the party food called quiche.

Quiche is one of the most versatile recipes to have, the ultimate crowd-pleasing menu item

that can be made using your favorite vegetables, your favorite cheeses or meats.

It can be served on its own, or paired with soup or salad.

Very often I make this recipe on Sunday and I use leftovers next day for my office lunch. (hello, happy Monday)

So, I am eager to share my family recipe with you, my dear readers.

Let’s do it.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - simple recipe for your family
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – simple recipe for your family


Like always, our first step is going to be – shopping.

You will need to go to your favorite store and buy all the ingredients needed for this recipe.

Check the list below and be sure you have all of them before you start making

Ricotta Spinach Quiche

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies -make and share
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies -make and share


  • Puff pastry
  • Large organic eggs
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Spinach (organic if you can)
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Feta cheese
  • Milk (2%)
  • Oregano (dry)
  • Italian Parsley
  • Sour cream (14%)

Now, if you are done shopping and you have everything needed for this recipe we

can start making the best


Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - making the best quiche
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – making the best quiche


1 sheet frozen puff pastry (must be thawed)

4 large organic eggs

2/3 cup ricotta cheese

1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, grated

1/4 cup feta cheese

2/3 cup milk (2%)

1 cup fresh, chopped spinach

1 TBSP Italian parsley (chopped)

1 tsp dry oregano

1/8 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp salt

Optional topping:

3 TBSP sour cream

Italian parsley (minced)


Preheat oven to 400 F.

Grease 8 x 8 square pan. (I used baking spray) Set aside.


In a large bowl whisk eggs, spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, feta cheese and milk.

Mix in Italian parsley and oregano.

Season to taste with salt and pepper. ( I used 1/8 tsp of black pepper and 1/2 tsp salt.) Set aside.

Fit the thawed puff pastry into greased 8 x 8 baking pan.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - Fit the thawed puff pastry into greased 8 x 8 baking pan
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – Fit the thawed puff pastry into greased 8 x 8 baking pan

Pour the ricotta spinach mixture into crust.

Bake for about 35 minutes or until set.

Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley

Let sit for 10 minutes.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - let it sit for 10 minutes
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – let it sit for 10 minutes

Cut into squares and serve.

Say the biggest “THANK YOU” you can to the best Ricotta Spinach Quiche.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - cut into squares and share
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – cut into squares and share

And share.

If you want to print this recipe, please check the box below.

Don’t forget:


Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies -make and share

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche

Yield: 3 people
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes

Real simple recipe from my family to yours.

Enjoy and share Ricotta Spinach Quiche from your favorite food blog


  • 1 sheet frozen puff pastry (must be thawed)
  • 4 large organic eggs
  • 2/3 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 1/4 cup feta cheese
  • 2/3 cup milk (2%)
  • 1 cup fresh, chopped spinach
  • 1 TBSP Italian parsley (chopped)
  • 1 tsp dry oregano
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 TBSP sour cream
  • Italian parsley (minced)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Grease 8 x 8 square pan. (I used baking spray) Set aside.
  4. In a large bowl whisk eggs, spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, feta cheese and milk.
  5. Mix in Italian parsley and oregano.
  6. Season to taste with salt and pepper. ( I used 1/8 tsp of black pepper and 1/2 tsp salt.) Set aside.
  7. Fit the thawed puff pastry into greased 8 x 8 baking pan.
  8. Pour the ricotta spinach mixture into crust.
  9. Bake for about 35 minutes or until set.
  10. Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley.
  11. Let sit for 10 minutes.
  12. Cut into squares and serve.
  13. Say the biggest "THANK YOU" you can to the best Ricotta Spinach Quiche.
  14. And share.           
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 3 Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

How to eat Ricotta and Spinach Quiche?

You can start simple…

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – Top with sour cream and minced Italian parsley

Or you can top with tomatoes, more feta cheese and more Italian Parsley

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - Top with sour cream, tomatoes,more minced Italian parsley
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – Top with sour cream, tomatoes,more minced Italian parsley

You can pair with our best, homemade salad – recipe from your favorite food blog,

Healthy Homemade Salad – Dressing Joy

Healthy salad from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy salad for your body
Healthy salad from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy salad for your body

If you are looking for dessert, I suggest you make

Nutella Chocolate Bombes – Sex Bomb is Calling You

Nutella Chocolate Bombes from the best food blog 5starcookies-Sex bomb,I am sex bomb
Nutella Chocolate Bombes from the best food blog 5starcookies-Sex bomb,I am sex bomb

Another dessert option is

Gluten Free Nutella Torte – Happy Life

Gluten Free Nutella Torte is a chocolate lover dream dessert.

It is the perfect version of blond, sunshine cake and dark, Nutella filling.

It is like movie Legally Blonde in Nutella Coffee Shop.

Or in real life you can ask the question: Who has more fun blondes or brunettes?

Well, let’s say our cake is the perfect combo of light and dark.

It is moist, dense gluten free cake with delicate Nutella filling.

You can make this cake for birthdays, Christmas party, Easter or any day from Monday to Sunday.

It is super easy to make and everyone will love it.

For the full recipe, click the link below:

gluten free nutella chocolate torte from the best food blog 5starcookies - enjoy and share this amazing Nutella cake
gluten free nutella chocolate torte from the best food blog 5starcookies – enjoy and share this amazing Nutella cake

If you don’t like dessert but you want the drink, I have special treat for you.

In pink.

It is called …

Red Wine Hot Chocolate – Wine or Vino

red wine hot chocolate from the best food blog 5starcookies
red wine hot chocolate from the best food blog 5starcookies

If you don’t like pink, check this recipe

5 Star Hot Chocolate – Any Time, Any Place

How to you describe “perfection”?

  • thick and luscious
  • homemade
  • sickeningly sweet
  • delicious
  • delish
  • amazing
  • real hot…

I can go on and on…but you got a point.

What IF…

Now, if you never heard or never eat “Quiche” I suggest you visit the best page called Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and you learn the basic about it. Click the link below.


Ricotta spinach quiche is the perfect recipe for entertaining.

Real simple recipe from my family to yours!

Enjoy and share.

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies - from my family to yours
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from the best food blog 5starcookies – from my family to yours

Before I end this post, we need to visit real “dirty” world.

So, what is happening “out there”?

-Donald Trump is still the president

-Joe Biden is in “big trouble”. He can’t sing “Touch me”!

But Samantha Fox can.

Check the link.

  • Kathie Lee Gifford left my favorite drinking show “Live with Kathie Lee and Hoda”.

Her last show was on Friday, April 5 of 2019. and included cruise trips for the audience, singing with

Barry Manilow and much, much more.

She ended the show, with quote from the Bible, Jeremiah 29:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you

hope and a future.”…

And with that I would like to say:

Thank you for visiting our star,

Love and hugs

from your


See you soon…

Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
Ricotta and Spinach Quiche from best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share

Be kind and share. Please.

Green Egg Breakfast – Collusion Turbo Joy

Hello my dear readers,

green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Happy Friday – my favorite day of the week.

green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for you
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for you

Are you ready to bake?

Because I have another fabulous recipe ready for you.


The name is…

Green Egg Breakfast.

green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body


This recipe is quick-prep recipe made with simple ingredients in 20 minutes or less.

Organic green peppers, fresh eggs from local farmers market, joyful red tomatoes, Greek feta cheese and

famous and smart Dr.Garlic will create turbo breakfast joy called Green Egg Breakfast.

So, are you ready to make this green magic?

Time for baking show

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-turbo joy to start your day with
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-turbo joy to start your day with



Please be sure to have all ingredients from the shopping list below.

Shopping List

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-green peppers is the star of the show
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-green peppers is the star of the show
  • green peppers
  • organic large eggs
  • 100% whole grain, whole wheat tortillas
  • tomatoes
  • feta cheese
  • mozzarella cheese
  • Italian parsley
  • oregano, salt and black pepper

Now, if you have everything ready we can start making this amazing Green Egg Breakfast.

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy start for your day
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy start for your day

Ready for turbo joy?


Making the…

green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body



100% whole grain, whole wheat tortillas

1 large green peppers (organic if you can)

2 eggs (large and organic)

1 tomato

1/8 cup feta cheese

mozzarella cheese (use as much as you want to)

1 clove of garlic

salt, black pepper and oregano to your taste

Italian parsley


Preheat oven to 375 F.

Line your baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.

Set aside.

Wash and dry green pepper.

Slice off tops of bell peppers and remove seeds.

Slice off bottom of bell peppers.

Your next step is to cut green peppers horizontally into 2 equal pieces.

You will have 2 green peppers ring (about 1 inch each)

Now, bring your prepared baking sheet.

Add 2 whole wheat tortillas into it.

In the middle of each tortilla place 1 slice of green pepper.

Break the eggs into prepared rings.

If egg white is leaking out a little don’t worry. Tortilla can take it.

Add salt, pepper and oregano to your taste.


Bake at 375 for 10 minutes.

Take the green egg breakfast out of oven and add slices of mozzarella cheese

around the green pepper ring.

Set oven to broil 500 F.

Return green egg breakfast and broil for 1 minute or

as long as you want it.

I did it for 2 minutes, because I like my eggs done well.

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-add cheese and broil for 2 minutes
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-add cheese and broil for 2 minutes

Take it out of the oven and add the following ingredients into green pepper ring:

sliced tomatoes and feta cheese.

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-add feta cheese,tomatoes,Italian parsley
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-add feta cheese,tomatoes,Italian parsley

Decorate with Italian parsley and Dr. Garlic (minced).

Serve immediately.

Enjoy and share.

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

This recipe is A++++++ and can enter the Harvard University or any college

based on quality.

Sorry, no college admissions bribery scandal here.

Just pure joy and quality for your family.

If you want to print this recipe, please check the box below.

Don’t forget:


green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-turbo joy to start your day with

Green Egg Breakfast - Turbo Joy

Yield: 2 people
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 17 minutes

This recipe is quick-prep recipe made with simple ingredients in 20 minutes or less.

Organic green peppers, fresh eggs from local farmers market, joyful red tomatoes, Greek feta cheese and

famous and smart Dr.Garlic will create turbo breakfast joy called Green Egg Breakfast.

So, are you ready to make this green magic?                             


  • 1 large green peppers (organic if you can)
  • 2 eggs (large and organic)
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/8 cup feta cheese
  • mozzarella cheese (use as much as you want to)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt, black pepper and oregano to your taste
  • Italian parsley
  • 100% whole grain, whole wheat tortillas


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
  3. Set aside.
  4. Wash and dry green pepper.
  5. Slice off tops of bell peppers and remove seeds.
  6. Slice off bottom of bell peppers.
  7. Your next step is to cut green peppers horizontally into 2 equal pieces.
  8. You will have 2 green peppers ring (about 1 inch each)
  9. Now, bring your prepared baking sheet.
  10. Add 2 whole wheat tortillas into it.
  11. In the middle of each tortilla place 1 slice of green pepper.
  12. Break the eggs into prepared rings.
  13. If egg white is leaking out a little don't worry. Tortilla can take it.
  14. Add salt, pepper and oregano to your taste.
  15. Bake at 375 for 10 minutes.
  16. Take the green egg breakfast out of oven and add slices of mozzarella cheese
  17. around the green pepper ring.
  18. Set oven to broil 500 F.
  19. Return green egg breakfast and broil for 1 minute or
  20. as long as you want it.
  21. I did it for 2 minutes, because I like my eggs done well.
  22. Take it out of the oven and add the following ingredients into green pepper ring:
  23. sliced tomatoes and feta cheese.
  24. Decorate with Italian parsley and Dr. Garlic (minced).
  25. Serve immediately.
  26. Enjoy and share.
  27. This recipe is A++++++ and can enter the Harvard University or any college
  28. based on quality.
  29. Sorry, no college admissions bribery scandal here.
  30. Just pure joy and quality for your family.                             
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 2 Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

OK, so we made it.

green eggs breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body and your mind
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your body and your mind


So, dear my friends time to end today’s baking show.

Don’t forget to be kind and share this recipe with all your friends and family.

Let me know if you like it by visiting our social media.




green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your healthy breakfast
green eggs breakfast from best food blog 5starcookies -collusion turbo joy for your healthy breakfast

If you want to see blast from the past check the following recipes:

Collagen Super Breakfast – You are my Happy

This recipe is ultra-healthy, no-fuss meal to your morning routine of wellness and rejuvenation.

Did I mention it is super easy to make and it will turn you into fat-burning machine.


To conclude, the collagen super breakfast is real-world WOW!


For the full recipe, please check the link below.

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair

Option 2

Super Breakfast Muffins

Can you feel the magic of the word “SUPER”.

If you don’t keep reading until the special power will get into you.

Trust me, it will happen.

Super breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Super breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies

Option 3

Blueberry Yogurt Cake-Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner

Blueberry Yogurt Loaf from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy your slice of heaven
Blueberry Yogurt Loaf from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy your slice of heaven

If you are like me and you want to learn more about our star of the show Dr. Green Pepper please visit one of my favorite places – Wikipedia:

Bell Pepper – Learn more….

If you are asking yourself if there is any benefit of eating green peppers be sure to check the link below:

What Are the Benefits of Eating Green Bell Peppers?

Now, if you want to watch super interesting show on YouTube I have link for you.

The name of the show is My Houzz.

It is super fun and “FEEL GOOD” show. Check why?

And if you believe that best gift ever is to be able to take care of your loved ones – then you MUST WATCH THE SHOW.

My Houzz: Neil Patrick Harris’ Surprise Renovation

Thank you for visiting the best food blog 5 star cookies.

Love and hugs

from your

Cookie Queen

See you soon…

Collagen Super Breakfast – You are my Happy

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-hello happy you
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-hello happy you

Hoda Kotb would say “You are my happy.”

So today, my dear readers I am going to present you my happy called


Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight


This recipe is ultra-healthy, no-fuss meal to your morning routine of wellness and rejuvenation.

Did I mention it is super easy to make and it will turn you into fat-burning machine.


To conclude, the collagen super breakfast is real-world WOW!


To get there we need to start our baking show…right now.

Are you ready baking nation to attack the benefits of COLLAGEN?

Of course you are. You were born ready.



Like always our first step is shopping or…

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair


  • eggs (organic)
  • spinach
  • almond milk
  • feta cheese
  • collagen
  • salt, oregano
  • garlic

Before we move to action time, please be sure you have all ingredients from the shopping list.


Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-collagen to lose weight
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-collagen to lose weight

Making the best



4 eggs

1 3/4 cups spinach, chopped

2 TBSP almond milk

1/4 cup feta cheese

1 1/2 TBSP collagen

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp oregano

1 clove of garlic, minced


Spray muffin cavities with baking spray. Set aside.

Using a medium size bowl add and mix the following ingredients:

4 eggs, 1 3/4 cups chopped spinach, 2 TBSP almond milk and 1/4 cup feta cheese.

Add 1 1/2 TBSP collagen, 1/4 tsp salt, oregano and garlic.

Mix all ingredients quickly and pour into prepared muffin pan.

Bake at 375 F for 21 minutes.

Enjoy and share.

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-collagen to lose weight
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-collagen to lose weight

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight

Don’t forget:


Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-hello happy you


Yield: 3 people
Prep Time: 9 minutes
Cook Time: 21 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Real-world WOW!

Be sure to start your day with Collagen Super Breakfast in order to lose weight, reduce wrinkles and help your hair. 


  • 4 large eggs, organic
  • 1 3/4 cups spinach, chopped
  • 2 TBSP almond milk
  • 1/4 cup feta cheese
  • 1 1/2 TBSP collagen
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp oregano
  • 1 clove garlic, minced


  1. Spray muffin cavities with baking spray. Set aside.
  2. Using a medium size bowl add and mix the following ingredients:
  3. 4 eggs, 1 3/4 cups chopped spinach, 2 TBSP almond milk and 1/4 cup feta cheese.
  4. Add 1 1/2 TBSP collagen, 1/4 tsp salt, oregano and garlic.
  5. Mix all ingredients quickly and pour into prepared muffin pan.
  6. Bake at 375 F for 21 minutes.
  7. Enjoy and share.   Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 3 Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-lose weight and help your hair

Why should you make this recipe?

Just check the picture…or learn about collagen benefits.

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-top benefits of collagen
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-top benefits of collagen


Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-top benefits of collagen
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-top benefits of collagen

1.Reduce Joint Pain

-As you get older the amount of collagen in your body decreases and you may notice “pain in your walk”

or you may experience joint disorder such as osteoarthritis.

Taking collagen can help reduce joint pain.

2.Help Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles

– For many women this is the problem number 1. WRINKLES! So to reduce or reverse skin aging

try adding collagen to your daily routine. Our Collagen Super Breakfast is recipe for FAB YOU!

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-reduce wrinkles,helps hair and nail
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-reduce wrinkles,helps hair and nail

3.Prevent Bone Loss

4.May Reduce Cellulite

5.Improve Your Metabolism

So, which food should you eat to naturally increase production of collagen in your body?

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-start your day with this amazing recipe
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-start your day with this amazing recipe


  • Carrots
  • Almonds
  • Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Kiwis
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Avocados
  • Bone Broth
  • Garlic….

To learn more about collagen benefits please check the following link

If you still want to learn more, you can check Top 6 benefits or

Top 6 Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements

Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-start your day with this amazing recipe
Collagen Super Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-start your day with this amazing recipe


So after all, my dear readers and friends what can I say?

Everyday we are given the opportunity to better ourselves. EVERYDAY!

So, let’s start TODAY.

TODAY is the day.

Prepare this Collagen Super Breakfast to lose weight, reduce joint pain and forget wrinkles, cellulite and help your hair.

If you love this recipe, you might want to try the following:

Amazing Breakfast – Rise and Shine

If you think “Amazing Grace – kitchen addition”, you are right.

So, what is it?

Stop smiling… just kidding…

Amazing Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-amazing breakfast
Amazing Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies-amazing breakfast

Option 2 – Super Breakfast Muffins

Super breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Super breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies

Option 3 – Sunshine Horse Oat Breakfast

I got this recipe from my roommate and I would like to share it with you.

Super easy, super fun and super tasty.

To summarize this recipe in one word: FABULOUS!

Sunshine Horse Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies
Sunshine Horse Breakfast from the best food blog 5starcookies

Celery Juice -Miracle Juice to Lose 21 lbs in 2 weeks

Celery juice miracle for your body from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy your miracle juice
Celery juice miracle for your body from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy your miracle juice

Farmers Market and Strawberry Sunshine Drink

5 star cookies strawberry Drink
5 star cookies strawberry and blueberry

Slimming Smoothie-Fat Blocker

Do you want to start your day right way …by making my Slimming Smoothie.

The main ingredients or the king of this smoothie is the Kefir. Kefir contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.

Particularly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B2 and B12, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin D. Kefir can be found in most major supermarkets

and nearly all health food stores. Be kind and share this recipe.

kefir drink top
kefir drink

I hope you love this post and you will try all the recipe from this post.

And before I say Bye or Ciao to you, please check this amazing children story called

You Are My Happy by Hoda Kotb

The link is

Thank you for visiting the best food blog

Love and hugs



See you soon…

Cheese Puff Pastry – Marie Condo Simple

Cheese Puff Pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies
Cheese Puff Pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies

Hello my dear readers,

Another Friday another super, easy recipe for YOU!



cheese triangles from best food blog 5starcookies
cheese puff pastry from best food blog 5starcookies

Let’s start our baking show.

Time for…


  • EGG

Please, be sure that you have all ingredients above before you start to make the best…

Cheese Puff Pastry.

And if you are ready let’s move to the best part!




cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share


package of puff pastry, thawed

1 cup of ricotta cheese

1/2 cup feta cheese

1/4 cup sour cream (14%)

Italian parsley and garlic (use as much as you like)

1 egg


Thaw the dough in its individual sealed cellophane wrapper at room temperature

for about 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

Preheat oven to 425 F.

Line the baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Cheese Filling

In a medium bowl, combine 1 cup ricotta cheese, 1/2 cup feta cheese,

1/4 cup sour cream, Italian parsley and garlic. Set aside.

cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -making cheese filling
cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -making cheese filling

Now, you are ready to make cheese puff pastry.

Remove cellophane wrap and gently unroll.

Using a sharp knife, cut pastry into 3 x 3 inches squares.

Place 2 tsp of cheese filling in the middle of each square then

fold one corner over to meet opposite corner, forming a triangle.

Press edges together to seal them.

Use fork to complete sealing operation.

Repeat until all of nine squares are done.

Place the cheese triangles into prepared baking sheet.

Brush tops with a beaten egg.

Optional: Sprinkle with sea salt.

Bake at 425 F for about 20 minutes.

Serve with Greek yogurt.

cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -bake at 425
cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -bake at 425

Enjoy and share.

cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -bake at 425 and enjoy
cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -bake at 425 and enjoy

And some more pictures….

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

So, dear my readers PRINT – MAKE – SHARE.

cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
cheese puff pastry from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share

I hope you will find this recipe as simple as decluttering by Marie Condo.

If you never heard about her, please google or check YouTube videos.

And don’t forget to share how much JOY this recipe brought to YOU.

Love and hugs

from the best food blog

and your


For your dessert

Andes A+ Brownies – Add Magic to your Life

Andes Mint Brownies from the best food blog 5starcookies
Andes Mint Brownies from the best food blog 5starcookies

Cranberry Ferrero Mini Chocolate Cake

Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake

Chocolate Skor Popcorn-Your Friday Joy

Please don’t forget to subscribe…We LOVE YOU!

See you soon….

Super Breakfast Muffins


Super breakfast muffins
Super Breakfast Muffins from the best food blog 5starcookies

Hello my dear readers,

If you don’t feel like the Superman because Monday is coming I have super breakfast for you.

You will love it. 

The name is…..


Can you feel the magic of the word “SUPER”.

If you don’t keep reading until the special power will get into you.

Trust me, it will happen.

So, let’s start our baking show.

Like always we start with…


  • Eggs
  • Peppers 
  • spinach
  • ricotta cheese
  • feta cheese
  • pepper, salt
  • Italian parsley, oregano 


Making the 




Super Breakfast muffins from the best food blog 5starcookies 


2 eggs (organic if you can)

1 egg white

1 cup peppers (cut into squares)

1/2 cup chopped spinach 

1/2 cup ricotta cheese

1/3 cup feta cheese

1/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp black peppers

1 tsp oregano

1 TBSP Italian minced parsley


Spray 6 cup muffin pan with baking spray. Set aside.

Whisk 2 eggs and 1 egg white.

Stir in 1 cup peppers,  1/2 cup spinach, 1/2 cup ricotta cheese and 1/3 feta cheese.

Add salt, pepper, oregano and Italian parsley.

Pour into muffin pan. 

Bake at 350 F for about 21 minutes.

Enjoy and share.

super breakfast muffins
super breakfast muffins from 5starcookies
Super breakfast muffins from the best food blog 5starcookies – enjoy and share

I hope you will love this recipe as much as I did.

Be kind and share with your family and friends.

Love and hugs 

from your favorite food blog

and your


See you soon…

super breakfast muffins

For YOU:

“You are much stronger than you think you are. TRUST ME.”

(Superman Quote)

“Dreams lift us up and transform into something better. And on my soul I swear that until my dream of a world where dignity, honor, & Justice are the reality that we all share I will never stop fighting…ever!”  , Superman quotes injustice

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich

Hello my dear readers,

5 star cookies is presenting you a magical recipe…

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies

5 star Breakfast Sandwich

Say, hello to shopping list and let’s do it.


  • eggs
  • sour cream
  • garlic
  • Italian parsley
  • salt, pepper
  • roasted red peppers
  • Swiss cheese
  • plain English muffins

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -English muffins
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -English muffins


MAKING 5 Star Magic ….



1 egg

1 tsp sour cream

1 clove of garlic (minced)

1 tsp Italian parsley (minced)

salt and pepper

1 piece of roasted red peppers

1 plain English muffin (or any kind you like), sliced in half

2 tsp sour cream (for muffin)

1 pcs Swiss cheese


Spread 1 teaspoon sour cream on each half of the English muffin.

Add 1 slice of Swiss cheese to one half of muffin.

Heat the oven to broil.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -broil English muffins at 500 F
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -broil English muffins at 500 F

Broil at 500 F for 2 minutes.

While muffin is being broiled prepare the egg mixture.

Using a small bowl mix egg, minced parsley, garlic and sour cream until combined.

Add salt and pepper.

Heat 1 tsp of oil in a 7 inch pan until hot.

Pour in egg mixture and cook for about 3 minutes.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies

Be sure to tilt the pan and move cooked portions as needed.

Top cooked egg with 1 slice of roasted red peppers.

If you wish use cookie cutter to cut omelet.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -use cookie cutter
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -use cookie cutter

The rest of it just cut into small sizes.

Slide cookie cut omelet on cheese half of English muffin.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -make your sandwich
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -make your sandwich

Top with rest of omelet and other half of English muffin.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -make your sandwich
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -make your sandwich

Serve immediately.

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -serve and enjoy
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -serve and enjoy

Enjoy and share.

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Don’t forget


5 Star Breakfast Sandwich

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 8 minutes

5 star Breakfast sandwich from 5 star blog, Enjoy and share.


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp sour cream
  • 1 clove of garlic (minced)
  • 1 tsp Italian parsley (minced)
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 piece of roasted red peppers
  • 1 plain English muffin (or any kind you like), sliced in half
  • 2 tsp sour cream (for muffin)
  • 1 pcs Swiss cheese


  1. Spread 1 teaspoon sour cream on each half of the English muffin.
  2. Add 1 slice of Swiss cheese to one half of muffin.
  3. Broil at 500 F for minutes.
  4. While muffin is being broiled prepare the egg mixture.
  5. Using a small bowl mix egg, minced parsley, garlic and sour cream until combined.
  6. Add salt and pepper.
  7. Heat 1 tsp of oil in a 7 inch pan until hot.
  8. Pour in egg mixture and cook for about 3 minutes.
  9. Be sure to tilt the pan and move cooked portions as needed.
  10. Top cooked egg with 1 slice of roasted red peppers.
  11. If you wish use cookie cutter to cut omelet.
  12. The rest of it just cut into small sizes.
  13. Slide cookie cut omelet on cheese half of English muffin.
  14. Top with rest of omelet and other half of English muffin.
  15. Serve immediately.
  16. Enjoy and share.


5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -ENJOY AND SHARE
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -ENJOY AND SHARE

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -ENJOY AND SHARE
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies -ENJOY AND SHARE


(this is from my favorite and the best magazine – WOMAN’S WORLD)

“Adding just one large clove of garlic to your daily diet can cut your risk of colds by 63%”

Thank you GARLIC!

And to all of you I can’t say enough thank you.

Thank you for visiting the best food blog,

Love and hugs

from your


Back to home page


See you soon…until then…

Good things are going to happen!

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies

5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies
5 Star Breakfast Sandwich from best food blog 5starcookies

Ice Cream Waffles – Delicious Homemade Recipe

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies

Hello my dear readers,

Time for another homemade delicious recipe.

Ice Cream Waffles

Let’s get ingredients.

It is time for our…

Shopping List

  • eggs
  • milk
  • olive oil
  • flour, baking powder
  • sugar, salt
  • ice cream

Action Time – Making Waffles


4 eggs

1 1/2 cups milk (2%)

1/4 cup olive oil

2 cups flour

1 TBSP baking powder

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

Ice Cream


Bowl #1: mix 2 cups flour, baking powder, sugar and salt

Using a mixing bowl, beat 4 eggs for about 3 minutes on high speed.

Add milk and olive oil. Mix it.

Add flour mixture and mix until smooth.

Cook as your waffle maker directs.

Place the waffle on a plate and top with ice cream and chocolate.

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies

Enjoy with whip cream.

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy

Add some raspberries and blueberries…

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Find your fork or spoon and start eating…Say THANK YOU!

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

To print this amazing recipe, please check the box below.

Ice Cream Waffles - Delicious Homemade Recipe

Ice Cream Waffles - Delicious Homemade Recipe

Prep Time: 7 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Delicious homemade waffles from the best food blog 5 star cookies


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups milk (2%)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 TBSP baking powder
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Ice Cream (vanilla, chocolate ...)


  1. Bowl #1: mix 2 cups flour, baking powder, sugar and salt
  2. Using a mixing bowl, beat 4 eggs for about 3 minutes on high speed.
  3. Add milk and olive oil. Mix it.
  4. Add flour mixture and mix until smooth.
  5. Cook as your waffle maker directs.
  6. Place the waffle on a plate and top with ice cream and chocolate.
  7. Enjoy.


Homemade Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies
Homemade Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy and share

Thank you for visiting the best food blog 5 star cookies.

Love and hugs

from your


See you soon…

Homemade Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies
Homemade Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies

Be kind and share! Please.

Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-be kind and share
Ice Cream waffles from the best food blog 5starcookies-be kind and share

“Believe that everyday something great will happen.”


Tortilla Mini Pizza – Cooking with Ariel

Cooking with Ariel – Tortilla Mini Pizza

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato

Ariel is bringing you another super easy, super fast and tasty recipe.

Shopping List

-Tortilla Chips

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -buy this chips
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -buy this chips

-Basil Pesto

-Mozzarella Cheese

-Feta Cheese

Action Time

Making Tortilla Mini Pizza


20 tortilla chips

10 tsp basil pesto

mozzarella cheese (as much as you want it)

10 tsp feta cheese


Preheat your broiler.

Lay out your tortilla chips on a baking sheet.

Add 1/2 tsp basil pesto to each tortilla chips.

Sprinkle on the cheese and top with 1/2 tsp feta cheese.

Place the tortilla mini pizza under the broiler until the cheese just melts.

(please check after one minute…it can burn very quickly)

Take it out and serve with cherry tomato.

Be kind and share with people you love.

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -serve with tomato

If you want to print this recipe, please check the box below.


Tortilla Mini Pizza - Cooking with Ariel

Tortilla Mini Pizza - Cooking with Ariel

Prep Time: 8 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Super easy, super fun and so tasty. You need 10 minutes to make this recipe.


  • 20 tortilla chips
  • 10 tsp basil pesto
  • mozzarella cheese (as much as you want it)
  • 10 tsp feta cheese


  1. Preheat your broiler.
  2. Lay out your tortilla chips on a baking sheet.
  3. Add 1/2 tsp basil pesto to each tortilla chips.
  4. Sprinkle on the cheese and top with 1/2 tsp feta cheese.
  5. Place the tortilla mini pizza under the broiler until the cheese just melts.
  6. (please check after one can burn very quickly)
  7. Be kind and share with people you love.
  8. Enjoy.


tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy and share

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies

Thank you for visiting our best food blog ,

Love and hugs

from your


Message from our Ariel …

tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -dream big
tortilla mini pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies -dream big


Chicago Deep Dish Pizza from Deep State of my Kitchen


Hello my dear readers,

Legendary Chicago-style deep dish pizza delivered right to your door…

Wait a second, you don`t need a delivery.

Because, we are making it together.

From deep state of my kitchen to your life.

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza My Way

So, baking nation, let’s start our baking show.

The Universe is waiting.

Shopping Time

  • tortillas, spinach, mozzarella cheese
  • basil pesto, peppers, feta cheese
  • oregano


9 inch glass pie plate

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-9 inch glass pie plate
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-9 inch glass pie plate

Action Time-Chicago Deep Dish Pizza My Way



1 large tortilla

1 small tortilla

1 cup spinach

10 slices of mozzarella cheese or as many as you want it

1/8 cup feta cheese

1/4/ cup diced peppers

3 TBSP basil pesto

dry oregano


Preheat oven to 350 F.

Place large tortilla on 9 inch glass pie plate.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-large size tortilla
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-large size tortilla

Spread basil pesto over tortilla evenly.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spread basil pesto over tortilla evenly
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spread basil pesto over tortilla evenly

Top with the following ingredients:


chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spinach
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spinach


diced peppers


chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spinach,cheese,peppers
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-spinach,cheese,peppers

Bake at 350 F for 15 to 17 min.

Take the dish out of the oven.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked for 15 to 17 minutes
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked for 15 to 17 minutes

Cover with small tortilla.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies

Top with basil pesto and feta cheese.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies

Return to oven and bake for another 8 to 9 minutes.

Remove from the oven and enjoy.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked for another 9 minutes
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked for another 9 minutes

Optional: top with fresh tomato or anything you like.

So, you made it. We did it.

The best Chicago Deep Dish Pizza My Way

!!!Also, way less calories.

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza My Way

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza My Way

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza from your kitchen


  • 1 large tortilla
  • 1 small tortilla
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 10 slices of mozzarella cheese or as many as you want it
  • 1/8 cup feta cheese
  • 1/4/ cup diced peppers
  • 3 TBSP basil pesto
  • dry oregano


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Place large tortilla on 9 inch glass pie plate.
  3. Spread basil pesto over tortilla evenly.
  4. Top with the following ingredients:
  5. spinach
  6. mozarella
  7. diced peppers
  8. oregano
  9. Bake at 350 F for 15 to 17 min.
  10. Take the dish out of the oven.
  11. Cover with small tortilla.
  12. Top with basil pesto and feta cheese.
  13. Return to oven and bake for another 8 to 9 minutes.
  14. Remove from the oven and enjoy.
  15. The best Chicago Deep Dish made in yo

I can’t say enough: ENJOY and SHARE!

360 Degree Mirror-Your Narcissistic Pizza

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza

chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza
chicago deep dish pizza from the best food blog 5starcookies-baked chicago deep dish pizza

Thank you for visiting the best food blog,(wink, wink..)     

Love and hugs

from your favorite food star


See you soon…


Social Butterfly 5starcookies