Yes, I know we want to lose weight and 5starcookies.com is offering you
Top 5 Unconventional ways to lose weight.
Are you ready?
Take a deep breath and let’s believe in higher power than us.
Number 5
Clean your kitchen. Yes, yes and yes.
If you want to lose weight, clean your kithchen.
Yes, your kitchen must be sparkling clean.
Don’t be lazy. Do it. NOW!
Number 4
Sniff rosemary.
Take six deep breaths of rosemary essential oil or a dried rosemary.
Check yourself…already skinny.
Keep going to number 3.
Mix 1 TBSP of olive oil and 4 drops of lavender essential oil.
Massage into your belly in a clock wise motion for 2 minutes.
Rinse. It will help the slim of midsection.
Turmeric Drink
1/2 cup warm water
1 tsp organic grounded turmeric
Mix two ingredients and drink.
Get Enough Sleep
Yes, that is the number 1.
Be sure to sleep at least 7 hours.
You will lose weight faster when you are rested.
Now, it is your turn.
Take a deep breath, relax and imagine yourself exactly as you wish to be.
Brian Tracy
Also, don’t forget to visit 5starcookies.com health page.
How about some healthy recipe from 5 star cookies.
Forever Young Chicken Broth-Homemade Youth –

Your next choice – Celery Juice -Miracle Juice to Lose 21 lbs in 2 weeks
Link to lose 21 lbs in 2 weeks

Love and hugs
Believe in yourself …
Stay Skinny…