minestrone soup Archives - 5 Star Cookies

Forever Young Chicken Broth-Homemade Youth

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make  and it has so many benefits for your body, your hair and nails
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make and it has so many benefits for your body, your hair and nails
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies

Hello my dear readers,

Our post today is “Forever young chicken broth-homemade youth”.

Sound good, don’t you think.

Even if you are young and you don’t care about “wrinkles, being old and so on…”

this post will help you.

The gelatin in chicken broth restores gut health, improves digestion, cures chronic diarrhea.

It improves skin, nails and hair. (don’t tell me you don’t care. I know you do)

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth


Forever young chicken broth is so easy to make. Super EASY.

You literally throw everything in a huge pot with some water and cook for a couple of hours.

Yes, that is it. Life is simple if you know how?

So, let me show you how to make homemade youth – Forever young chicken broth.

First step like always is SHOPPING.

WARNING: You need to spend money on good quality ingredients.

If you want to use benefits from chicken broth you MUST buy organic.

Or just visit your local Farmers Market and buy your best ingredients for best homemade chicken broth.

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make



  • whole skinless chicken
  • onions
  • garlic
  • fresh parsley
  • carrots
  • celery
  • sea salt, black pepper
  • bay leaves


Making the best homemade …

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make for your family or yourself
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make for your family or yourself



1 whole chicken (organic) (3 to 4 lbs)

3 onions (roughly chopped)

3 carrots (chopped)

3 cloves of garlic (pilled and chopped)

fresh Italian parsley (as much as you want to)

3 bay leaves

1 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

15 cups cold water


Place all ingredients in a large pot and cover with cold water.

Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for about 2 hours.

Remove the chicken from the broth, vegetables and herbs.

Pass the stock through a sieve.

And you are done.

Your homemade chicken stock is in front of your eyes. (getting younger at that same moment)

Allow the chicken broth to cool and then place it in the fridge. (for a few hours or overnight)

Don’t get shocked because….

You will see the FAT (that ugly white thing) to rise to the surface.

Skim fat.

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make  and you need to remove the fat
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make and you need to remove the fat

Use homemade chicken broth for cooking vegetables, preparing soups or making salad dressings.

Store in the fridge for about 6 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make  and you can store it in the fridge for about 6 days
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make and you can store it in the fridge for about 6 days

You can freeze using ice cube tray.

Enjoy and share this homemade youth called Forever Young Chicken Broth.

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is the best and super easy recipe to make
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is the best and super easy recipe to make

If you want to print this amazing recipe, please check the box below.

And don’t forget:


Homemade chicken broth is just click away….

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies

Forever Young Chicken Broth - Homemade Youth

Yield: 5 people

Forever Young Chicken Broth - Homemade Youth is the best recipe from 5starcookies.com

This recipe is must if you care for your body, hair and nails.

Say YES to homemade chicken broth from 5starcookies.com


  • 1 whole chicken (organic) (3 to 4 lbs)
  • 3 onions (roughly chopped)
  • 3 cloves of garlic (pilled and chopped)
  • 3 carrots (chopped)
  • 15 cups cold water
  • fresh Italian parsley (as much as you want to)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper


  1. Place all ingredients in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for about 2 hours. Remove the chicken from the broth, vegetables and herbs.
  2. Pass the stock through a sieve. And you are done. Your homemade chicken stock is in front of your eyes. (getting younger at that same moment) Allow the chicken broth to cool and then place it in the fridge. (for a few hours or overnight)
  3. Don't get shocked because.... You will see the FAT (that ugly white thing) to rise to the surface. Skim fat. Use homemade chicken broth for cooking vegetables, preparing soups or making salad dressings. Store in the fridge for about 6 days or freeze for up to 3 months.
  4. You can freeze using ice cube tray. Enjoy and share this homemade youth called Forever Young Chicken Broth.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 5 Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make  and it has so many benefits for your body, hair and nails
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make and it has so many benefits for your body, hair and nails

Check the picture below: All you need to stay forever young.

Turn the music on and this is the song for you:

Alphaville – Forever Young 


And life is good … don’t you think?

forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make  and it has so many benefits for your body, your hair and your nails
forever young chicken broth from the best food blog 5starcookies-homemade youth is super easy recipe to make and it has so many benefits for your body, your hair and your nails

You can use this homemade chicken broth for my best and most popular recipe called…

Minestrone Soup – Soup off 11lbs in 6 days

(BTW this recipe is MUST if you want to lose weight!)

Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies
Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies

If you want to lose a few pounds all you have to do is…WHAT?

You need to make the MINESTRONE SOUP.


Yes, you need to make the minestrone soup. Have you heard of this before?

I did not until I read the Women’s World from October 30, 2017.

According to that story you need to eat this soup for six days and you can lose about 11 lbs.

Can you say NO?

I can’t. Specifically, because I love the Minestrone soup. It is my favorite soup.

Italian, delicious soup of your dreams to reach your weight dreams.


Option 2

Healthy Homemade Salad – Dressing Joy

Healthy salad from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy salad for YOU
Healthy salad from the best food blog 5starcookies-healthy salad for YOU

This is the healthy homemade salad I’ve been making for years.

Really for many, many years.

Also, it is still the best homemade salad I’ve tried. You will love it.

Above all your body will be very thankful. Hello “Skinny YOU”!…

Check the link below…if you want to be skinny.



Celery juice miracle for your body from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy your miracle juice
Celery juice miracle for your body from the best food blog 5starcookies -enjoy your miracle juice

If you really care about your health, please visit healthy recipe from 5 star cookies – The link is below


Also, check the HEALTH page from your favorite food blog 5starcookies.com


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FoodYub – 5starcookies page full of amazing recipe for YOU. Visit and share


Thank you for visiting the best food blog 5 star cookies.

Love and hugs

from your favorite


See you soon….

What is coming….

OREO RECIPE….THE BEST ONE EVER! (can’t wait to share…)

Until then stay forever young by making the best homemade youth called…

Forever Young Homemade Chicken Broth

If you want to lose weight – 5 star cookies is your friend

5starcookies.com is always with you.

Supporting you, loving you and being kind to you.


Because the Universe is asking for it.

So, dear my friends if you want to lose a few pounds or kilograms 5starcookies.com

is giving you this FAB post to follow.

Please love yourself enough to try it.

As soon as you wake up…

Warm Homemade Lemonade


1 cup warm water

juice of one organic lemon


Mix the juice of one organic lemon and warm water.

Drink this as soon as you wake up. (before breakfast)

During the day

Drink the sun or blue water.

Trust me, it works.

Check the link Drink the SUN!


During the day part 2

I know you want to lose 11 lbs in 6 days.

And this is HOW – make this fabulous soup.

MINESTRONE SOUP –  Soup off 11 lbs in 6 days

Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies
Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies

During the day part 3

”Parsley is a miracle! It helps you drop the pounds. ”

Check the link – A Magic Brew

Before you go to sleep

Turmeric Expresso – Superman you Must Try

The link is below.

Superman Turmeric Expresso to lose weight


Turmeric espresso from the best food blog 5starcookies-drink and enjoy
Turmeric espresso from the best food blog 5starcookies-drink and enjoy

So, dear my readers you know what to do.

5 star cookies is giving you 5 FAB ideas for your FAB body.

Be kind to yourself and do it.

Love and hugs from your favorite food blog



What is coming?

Little devil is going to make Brownie Genius Oreo Cups!

Stay FAB and love everyone that cross your path!

“We don’t meet people by accident.

Everyone is meant to cross our path for a reason.”

Minestrone Soup – Soup off 11lbs in 6 days

Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies
Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies

Hello my dear readers,

If you want to lose a few pounds all you have to do is…WHAT?

You need to make the MINESTRONE SOUP.


Yes, you need to make the minestrone soup. Have you heard of this before?

I did not until I read the Women’s World from October 30, 2017.

According to that story you need to eat this soup for six days and you can lose about 11 lbs.

Can you say NO?

I can’t. Specifically, because I love the Minestrone soup. It is my favorite soup.

Italian, delicious soup of your dreams to reach your weight dreams.

So, let’s do it. Let’s do it together.

Minestrone soup from the best food blog 5starcookies
Minestrone soup from the best food blog 5starcookies

Minestrone Soup

1 chopped onion

5 carrots, diced

3 celery stalks, diced

4 cups chicken bone broth or vegetable broth

Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-Organic chicken broth
Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-Organic chicken broth

3 cups water

1 can crushed tomatoes (796 ml)

1 tsp dried oregano

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 cup cooked small pasta

1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained

4 cups chopped fresh spinach


Combine onions, carrots, celery, chicken broth,water,oregano, salt and pepper in large pot.


Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-combine onion,carrots,celery,chicken broth,oregano,salt and pepper
Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-combine onion,carrots,celery,chicken broth,oregano,salt and pepper

Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Add can of crushed tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes

Add cooked pasta, beans and spinach.

Stir until heated through, about 3 minutes.


To print this recipe please check box below.

Minestrone Soup - Soup off 11lbs in 6 days

Minestrone Soup - Soup off 11lbs in 6 days

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes

Soup off your pounds in 6 days


  • 1 chopped onion
  • 5 carrots, diced
  • 3 celery stalks, diced
  • 4 cups chicken bone broth or vegetable broth
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 can crushed tomatoes (796 ml)
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 cup cooked small pasta
  • 1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
  • 4 cups chopped fresh spinach


  1. Combine onions, carrots, celery, chicken broth, water, oregano, salt and pepper in large pot.
  2. Boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  4. Add can of crushed tomatoes and cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Add cooked pasta, beans and spinach.
  6. Stir until heated through, about 3 minutes.
  7. Enjoy.

Find your spoon and start your diet.

Remember! 11 lbs = 6 days of Minestrone Soup

Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-Find your spoon and start eating
Minestrone soup to loose weight from the best food blog 5starcookies-Find your spoon and start eating

So, let’s review this diet. For lunch and dinner you eat minestrone soup.

What about breakfast? Can I have snacks and how often?(see below)


1 egg, any style

1 slice whole wheat toast

1 orange or piece any fruit

Snacks (choose 2 daily)

1 hard boiled egg


3 cups popcorn

I hope you will try this diet.

If you don’t want to be on diet please try the following:

Option 1 – Peanut Butter Jelly Cups

Peanut Butter Jelly Cups

the best peanut butter and jelly cups and food blog 5starcookies
the best peanut butter and jelly cups and food blog 5starcookies

Option 2 – Peanut Butter Chocolate Torte

Peanut Butter Chocolate Torte

peanut butter and chocolate torte from food blog 5starcookies
peanut butter and chocolate torte from food blog 5starcookies

Option 3 – Chocolate Lava Cake

Chocolate Lava Cake

the best chocolate lava cake of 5starcookies
the best chocolate lava cake of 5starcookies

Thank you for visiting my blog and see you soon…

Love and hugs

Your Cookie



First Snow, First Love…

Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies -First Snow
Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies -First Snow

There is something magic about the first snow…

Do you know what is it?

Minestrone soup from best food blog
Minestrone soup from best food blog

Test the Magic of Minestrone soup and first snow…Soup off 11 lbs in 6 days

Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies-Magic of minestrone soup and first snow
Minestrone soup from best food blog 5starcookies-Magic of minestrone soup and first snow

Be kind and love people around you.

Thank you for visiting 5starcookies.com


Social Butterfly 5starcookies