Cranberry Ferrero Mini Chocolate Cake

Menu for today


Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-Menu for today
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-Menu for today


  • 100 gr Lindt Cranberry Chocolate
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter
  • 1 large egg + 1 egg yolk
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • ⅛ cup all purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • 3 pcs Ferrero Rocher Chocolate (cut into small pieces)
Preheat oven to 425 F.
Spray 3 ramekin with baking spray and dust with cocoa powder.
Place the chopped chocolate and ¼ cup unsalted butter in a bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water,ensuring the bowl doesn’t touch the water.
Stir it gently until the last lumps have disappeared.
Add ½ tsp vanilla and stir. Set aside.
Mix ⅛ cup AP flour, ¼ cup icing sugar and ¼ tsp salt. Set aside.
Whisk 1 large egg and 1 egg yolk in another bowl.
Now add flour and egg mixture into melted chocolate and butter.
Slowly stir everything together.
Add Ferrero chocolate. Mix again all ingredients.
Spoon chocolate batter into prepared ramekins.
Bake at 425 F for 12 minutes.
Allow to cool for 1 minute.
Cover each ramekin with an inverted plate and turn over.
Optional: Decorate with Ferrero Rocher Chocolate
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENJOY
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake

To print the recipe please check the box below.

Cranberry Ferrero Mini Chocolate Cake

Cranberry Ferrero Mini Chocolate Cake

Prep Time: 9 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 21 minutes


  • 100 gr Lindt Cranberry Chocolate
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter
  • 1 large egg + 1 egg yolk
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • ⅛ cup all purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • 3 pcs Ferrero Rocher Chocolate (cut into small pieces)


  1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
  2. Spray 3 ramekin with baking spray and dust with cocoa powder.
  3. Place the chopped chocolate and ¼ cup unsalted butter in a bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water,ensuring the bowl doesn’t touch the water.
  4. Stir it gently until the last lumps have disappeared.
  5. Add ½ tsp vanilla and stir. Set aside.
  6. Mix ⅛ cup AP flour, ¼ cup icing sugar and ¼ tsp salt. Set aside.
  7. Whisk 1 large egg and 1 egg yolk in another bowl.
  8. Now add flour and egg mixture into melted chocolate and butter.
  9. Slowly stir everything together.
  10. Add Ferrero chocolate. Mix again all ingredients.
  11. Spoon chocolate batter into prepared ramekins.
  12. Bake at 425 F for 12 minutes.
  13. Allow to cool for 1 minute.
  14. Cover each ramekin with an inverted plate and turn over.
  15. ENJOY!

This cake is asking for …CRANBERRY JUICE

Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake with cranberry juice
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake with cranberry juice

Thank you for visiting my blog.

See you soon and enjoy your cranberry ferrero mini chocolate cake.

I know, I did.

Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake
Cranberry Ferrero Rocher Mini Cake from 5starcookies-ENOY this amazing cake

Link – How to make cranberry juice CLICK ME

Love and hugs from your favorite food blog

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See you soon….

Cranberry Juice – Enjoy the benefits …

Today our main ingredient is:
Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies
Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies


For this recipe you will need only 3 ingredients:

  • Organic Cranberries
  • Honey
  • Water

Now, let’s do it.

Cranberry Juice


4 cups organic cranberries

Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-organic cranberries
Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-organic cranberries

4 cups water

3/4 cup honey


Add 4 cups of organic cranberries and 4 cups water into a medium saucepan.

Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-mix organic cranberries and water
Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-mix organic cranberries and water

Bring to boil.

Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 min until all berries burst.

Strain juice through a fine mesh strainer. (discard the berries)

Add 3/4 cup of honey and stir until the honey is dissolved comletely.


Pour into jars or bottles.

Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-Store in jars or bottles
Cranberry Juice from 5starcookies-Store in jars or bottles

Store in the refrigerator.

To print the recipe please check the box below.

Cranberry Juice - Enjoy the benefits of organic...

Cranberry Juice - Enjoy the benefits of organic...

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes

Enjoy homemade cranberry juice.


  • 4 cups cranberries
  • 4 cups water
  • 3/4 cup honey


  1. Add 4 cups of organic cranberries and 4 cups water into a medium saucepan.
  2. Bring to boil.
  3. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 min until all berries burst.
  4. Strain juice through a fine mesh strainer. (discard the berries)
  5. Add 3/4 cup of honey and stir until the honey is dissolved comletely.
  6. Cool.
  7. Pour into jars or bottles.
  8. Store in the refrigerator.


5 Benefits of cranberry juice:

  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Cures cold
  • Relief from urinary track infection
  • Prevents kidney stones
  • Good for your skin

Thank you for visiting

Love and hugs from your favorite food blog

and Cookie


See you soon and drink the best juice – CRANBERRY JUICE

Cranberry juice from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy benefits
Cranberry juice from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy benefits

See you soon and buy some cranberries for your health!

Cranberry juice from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy benefits
Cranberry juice from the best food blog 5starcookies-enjoy benefits


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