How often do you find yourself screaming: “O, God, not again. It’s hard as a rock and I need to make my cookies now, like right now. You nusty, lousy brown sugar. I hate you.”
But as this scene is playing in your head, I am thinking: “What I am going to do? I need this brown sugar and I don’t have 2 days to soften, I need it now!”
So, my bloggers what is the solution?
- Stick small pieces in a food processor or blender and chop/pulse until usable.
- Preheat oven to 250 F. Place the brown sugar in a baking pan and check every 5 min. You will know when it is ready.
- If you have microwave (and I do not) – put it in a container with a small bowl full of water beside it. Microwave for 1 min, check – if not ready try for another 30 sec – check and keep going until it is soft.
Of course for the best results prevent problems before they occur. Store brown sugar in a sealed, airtight container.
If you can afford and it is not expensive buy a clay disc.
A clay disc kept in the container can help prevent the problem.
Unless you want to have hard as a rock in your hand…brown sugar and if you do – get some help.
Love from the best blog 5 star cookies
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