Rich and Poor – Rolo Rich Ritz Cookies

This story is about rich and poor…so let’s start from the beginning.

You know you always wanted to visit the luxury hotels or to be more specific you wanted to visit one and the only….The hotel Ritz in Paris…And you dream about it…

Very often you go to this web site My Dream and you keep thinking “If and when I win 6/49”!

Until then…what do you do until then?

Well, first of all let’s hope you are a stable person connected to reality and you know that little dreams come true every day.

Like now, when you are in Walmart, shopping and  you notice the Ritz Crackers. Of course, you buy them. ( you don’t pay attention to second word crackers…the important part is Ritz)

Then you come home and you start on your little dream coming true…like Rolo Stuffed Ritz Cookies.

So, what do you need?

Ritz Crackers (20 pcs)

Rolo Chocolate (10 pcs)

5starcookies ritz and rolo with little ritz attached posing on my balcony
5starcookies ritz and rolo with little ritz attached posing on my balcony

You line up your crackers, top them with Rolos, bake at 350 F for about 3 to 5 min.

5starcookies ritz and rolo ready for baking
5starcookies ritz and rolo ready for baking

Top with another Ritz and you are done….or you can keep dreaming.

Add 1/2 tsp Oreo Spread and add little Ritz on top …you can find recipe for the Oreo Spread using

the following link Oreo Spread

5starcookies ritz and rolo baked with little ritz to be attached using oreo filling
5starcookies ritz and rolo baked with little ritz to be attached using oreo filling

Glue them together…forever and forever…

5starcookies ritz and rolo baked together with attached little ritz on the top
5starcookies ritz and rolo baked together with attached little ritz on the top

Cover with chocolate…every part of it…

5starcookies ritz all in chocolate
5starcookies ritz all in chocolate

or just partially ….

5starcookies ritz cookies in chocolate
5starcookies ritz cookies in chocolate and little plain ritz on top

And you have it …your dreams in 10 minutes!

Rich and Poor - Rolo Rich Ritz Cookies

Rich and Poor - Rolo Rich Ritz Cookies

Prep Time: 1 minute
Cook Time: 9 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes


  • Ritz Crackers (20 pcs)
  • Rolo (10 pcs)
  • Little Ritz (10 pcs)
  • Chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Place Ritz crackers on a cookie sheet face side down, and top each one with a Rolo candy.
  3. Bake for 3-5 minutes to soften (but not fully melt) the Rolos,
  4. Remove from the oven and immediately top the Rolos with a second Ritz cracker.
  5. Cool them completely.
  6. Cover in chocolate and top with a little Ritz cracker.
  7. Enjoy!

And keep your dreams close to you…never forget them!

5starcookies ritz and rolo
5starcookies ritz and rolo

and keep working on them…life will happen…Be optimistic!

5 star cookies

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from your favorite blog

5 star cookies!

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Happy Birthday to my Friend-Cake Pie Recipe

WARNING! Read this only if you like Nutella, Oreos, popcorn, chocolate, peanut butter, cake and pie…



(And you know who you are…)

5starcookies birthday cake
5starcookies birthday cake with kit kat No 1

Birthday is a special day. This special day requires extra special cake…so I will warn you again,

read this post only if you like Nutella, Oreos, chocolate, peanut butter, popcorn..Also if you are one of those who can’t make decision…pie or cake…cake or pie…You are my kind of people!!!

Now, if you are still reading this post you are the best person I have ever met. And I love you like I love my own family. As you can guess my judgment is solely based on Nutella, Oreos, chocolate, popcorn and peanut butter. So sue me, Universe!

Now, back to our birthday extra special cake!

Prepare yourself…it will be a few hours of work!

Ingredients for sponge cake:

3 eggs

6 TBSP sugar

6 TBSP flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

3 TBSP water

Cut wax paper or Al foil to fit 9″ round cake pan.

Mix eggs and sugar until double in size.

Fold flour and baking powder until well mixed. Add water. Be gentle, you don’t want to deflate the cake.

5starcookies base of birthday cake
5starcookies base of birthday cake

Bake at 370 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out dry.

Cool for a few minutes, remove from pan and remove wax paper or foil.

Cool completely.

Make Oreo filling 2 or 3 days in advance!

Oreo Spread:

30 Oreo Cookies (Double Stuffed Cream Oreo)

1/4 cup coconut oil

In the bowl of a food processor whiz the cookies and coconut oil until they are fine crumbs. (10 min)

If you would like it thinner, add more coconut oil.

Next step is to make peanut butter filling. (the recipe is below)

Now if you have the following:

1.Sponge cake

2.One cup of Nutella

3. Oreo Spread

4.Peanut Butter Filing

5.Popcorn Ice Cream Cones

We can start building our cake:

1 and 2. Sponge Cake + 1 cup of Nutella

5starcookies base cake with nutella
5starcookies base cake with nutella

3. Add Oreo Spread on top of the Nutella

5starcookies base cake nutella and oreos
5starcookies base cake nutella and oreos

4.Next level is adding the Peanut Butter Pie Filling!

5starcookies birthday cake with peanut butter filling
5starcookies birthday cake with peanut butter filling

5.Are you ready for finishing touches!

Insert 4 popcorn ice cream cones into peanut butter filling. Stop for a moment and enjoy your life!

How to make popcorn ice cream cones?

5starcookies birthday cake with cones
5starcookies birthday cake with cones

6. Finish your cake by adding Reese’s pieces, Kit Kat, sprinkles…!

5starcookies birthday cake with reeses
5starcookies birthday cake with reeses

And my friend that is your special Birthday Cake!



Peanut Butter Filling

3/4 cup heavy cream

4 oz cream cheese, softened to room temperature

1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter

3/4 cup confectioners sugar

1/2 Tbsp pure vanilla extract


Beat the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.

Spoon the whipped cream into a bowl and set aside.

Using the same mixing bowl beat the cream cheese, peanut butter,sugar and vanilla extract until combined. Mixture will be thick.

5starcookies mix ingredients
5starcookies mix ingredients

How thick? See the picture below!

5starcookies mix ingredients pic
5starcookies mix ingredients pic

Fold in the whipped cream until smooth, be gentle, you don’t want to deflate that cream.

5starcookis birthday cake add whip cream
5starcookis birthday cake add whip cream
5starcookies mixed ingredients with whip cream
5starcookies mixed ingredients with whip cream

This filling is made from Sallys Baking Addiction

Special Note:

Kit Kat is used like a supporting beam in construction! Kit Kat is holding those ice cream cones from sliding!

5starcookies birthday cake with kit kat
5starcookies birthday cake with kit kat


Happy Birthday Cake Pie Recipe

Happy Birthday Cake Pie Recipe


  • 1/2 Tbsp pure vanilla extract


  1. Sponge Cake:
  2. Cut wax paper or Al foil to fit 9" round cake pan.
  3. Mix eggs and sugar until double in size.
  4. Fold flour and baking powder until well mixed. Add water. Be gentle, you don't want to deflate the cake.
  5. Bake at 370 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out dry.
  6. Cool for a few minutes, remove from pan and remove wax paper or foil.
  7. Cool completely.
  8. Oreo Spread:
  9. In the bowl of a food processor whiz the cookies and coconut oil until they are fine crumbs. (10 min)
  10. If you would like it thinner, add more coconut oil.
  11. Peanut Butter Filling:
  12. Beat the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.
  13. Spoon the whipped cream into a bowl and set aside.
  14. Using the same mixing bowl beat the cream cheese, peanut butter,sugar and vanilla extract until combined. Mixture will be thick.
  15. Fold in the whipped cream until smooth, be gentle, you don't want to deflate that cream.
  16. Now let's build the cake:
  17. Sponge Cake + 1 cup of Nutella + Oreo Spread + Peanut Butter Filling + Popcorn Ice Cream Cones
  18. Decoration:Kit Kat (see note) , Reese's Pieces, Sprinkles...


5starcookies birthday cake No 1
5starcookies birthday cake No 1

Famous people born on Aug 1:

Bastian Schweinsteiger – Soccer Player

Yves Saint Laurent – Fashion Designer

Sam Mendes – Director, Producer

Richard Wilson – Painter

Allison Robicelli – Chef

Lucky Colors: Copper, Gold
Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55
Lucky Days (of the week): Sunday, Monday, Thursday
Lucky Days (of the month): 1, 10, 11, 19


Love and hugs

from your favorite blog

5 star cookies


The best peanut butter cake

Hey YOU – Ice Cream Cones Popcorn Ball

Hey you. Yes, you.

The one staring out of your kitchen window, wondering what to make today and wishing that you were doing something more exciting with your life.

Like driving an expensive yellow sports car, traveling to Italy or just swimming with the dolphins…

Yes, you do have thirst for a little adventure, do you not? The world is at your feet, but which direction should you step?

Well, for today we are taking direction of making combo of my two favorite things, popcorn and ice cream cones.

Yes, we are making “Ice Cream Cones Popcorn Ball”! Hey you. Yes, you. Smile and let’s have some fun!

5starcookies popcorn star cones
5starcookies alone popcorn star cones

We need the following ingredients:

4 cups popcorn

20 gr butter

3/4 cup marshmallows

6 ice cream cones

Optional: chocolate,sprinkles,M&M

Prepare your ice cream cones!

5starcookies empty cones
5starcookies empty cones

In a medium sauce pan melt butter over low heat.

Add marshmallows and stir until melted.

Pour over popcorn and stir until coated completely and evenly. (very important)

Spray your hands with cooking spray and form mixture into a ball. Press coated ball into ice cream cone. Repeat with remaining mixture.

5starcokies popcorn 6 cones
5starcokies popcorn 6 cones

And look what you made, you little adventurous person!

Yes, you can still dream about wide skies, forest in Costa Rica or you can try to talk to your ice cream cones popcorn balls!

No, I am not kidding…Popcorn Balls can talk!

Have you ever heard about quantum physics or how do you know you’re meant for big things?

Well, this popcorn balls know and you will find soon about it!

5starcookies popcor
5starcookies popcorn in angle

Hey you! Yes, YOU!

Dream big!

Love and hugs

from your favorite blog

5 star cookies





Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret? Well, I can’t. So, be my guest and enjoy it!


Taking 1 tsp (5ml) of cider vinegar in a glass of water after every meal is the secret to losing weight.

If you try this, please be sure to rinse your mouth out with water and brush your teeth afterwards.


2 large eggs

1 tbsp liquid glycerin

1 tbsp jojoba oil

1 tsp cider vinegar

Whisk together 2 eggs, 1tbsp glycerin,1tbsp jojoba oil and 1 tsp vinegar until well combined.

Massage mixture into damp, clean hair.

Let stand for 15 min.

Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Love and hugs,


Visit my Health Page

How to make Turkish Coffee?


5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

How to make Turkish coffee?

You will need the following:

1.Turkish Coffee Pot

2.H2O or Water

3.Coffee that has been ground to a fine powder

Optional: Sugar or whip cream

5starcookies Turkish Coffee Pot
5starcookies Turkish Coffee Pot

5starcookies coffee
5starcookies coffee

So, how to make coffee?

  1. Measure 3 cups of cold water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Reserve 1/2 cup of the boiling water (pour it into a small cup until needed).

5starcookies reserve 1/2 cup boiling water
5starcookies reserve 1/2 cup boiling water

Off the heat, add 5 teaspoon of coffee to the remaining water in the coffee pot. Stir to dissolve the coffee.

Return to heat and bring to a simmer. The coffee will bubble and foam a little.

Right after the foam rises up, remove from heat.

Pour 1/2 cup reserved water back into the coffee pot.

Let the coffee rest a few extra moments, for the grounds to settle to the bottom.

Pour coffee into cups,let the coffee settle and enjoy!

5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

What to do with ground coffee?

5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

Use for your hands:

5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

1.Scoop out a small amount of the mixture and rub it into your hands. Rinse well.

5starcookies Turkish coffee
5starcookies Turkish coffee

2. You can use for your garbage – Fill up an old pair of pantyhose with some dry coffee grounds, and hang the mixture on the inside of your trash can lid.

3. Add coffee grounds to houseplants to give them a boost, mixing it into the soil. Coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, and are great for houseplants.

4.You can use Turkish coffee for Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake

5 star cookies jimmy cake
5 star cookies jimmy cake

5.Pour used coffee grounds down the sink or bathtub drain, followed by 3 drops of dish soap and a pot of boiling water. This will clean and clear the drain of clogs and built up grease.

Love and hugs

from your








Here Comes Miss America – Boys Watch Out

Miss America and the best coffee cake called Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake. Have you heard about this cake…Don’t worry I am not judging if you haven’t. After all food blogging is here for you…so you can learn and share.

5 star cookies jimmy cake
5 star cookies jimmy cake

About Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake

Here she comes – 1989. Miss America!

And she comes with lawsuit …Yes, that is correct! Gretchen Carlson filed the lawsuit against her boss, one of the most powerful man,

an American television executive Roger Ailes.

She says Ailes repeatedly made advances toward her, calling her “sexy”, asking for a sexual relationship during a meeting in his office and so on….

Because she says “NO”…long story short her contract was not renewed.

So, my dear readers why I am bringing this story to you?

Because, Gretchen Carlson courage is inspiring.

So many victims of sexual harassment are intimidated into staying silent.

Well, this Miss America was not. She stood her ground and also made her own statement.

“I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career. Although this was a difficult step to take, I had to stand up for myself and speak out for all women and the next generation of women in the workplace.”

Dear my readers, please find her twitter account and support her.

the best coffee cake
Grandmas Famous Jimmy Cake

How to make The Best Coffee Cake?

And just for her I am going to make my new favorite cake, Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake.

The link for the full recipe is below:

Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake

Making Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake


coconut oil,butter, powdered sugar,eggs,coffee,flour,chocolate jimmies,salt,vanilla,baking powder


Cream 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup of butter. Add 2 cups icing sugar and mix.

Add 4 egg yolks,1 cup cold coffee  (How to make coffee? )

and 1 tsp vanilla.

Mix in 2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking powder.

Add 1 cup chocolate jimmies.

Fold in 4 egg whites, beaten.

Bake at 325 F  for about 1 hour. (it was 45 min for me)

Cool cake. If desired add chocolate icing.

Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
The best coffee cake or Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Your Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Bake Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake
5starcookies jimmy cake
5starcookies jimmy cake

Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake

Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups icing sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 egg white, beaten
  • 1 cup cold coffee
  • 1 cup chocolate jimmies
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1tsp vanilla
  • Glaze:
  • 2 cups chocolate
  • 1 Tbsp oil


  1. Cream oil and butter.
  2. Add icing sugar and mix.
  3. Add 4 eggs yolks, coffee and vanilla.
  4. Mix in flour,salt, baking powder. Add jimmies.
  5. Fold in beaten egg whites.
  6. Baking in 9 inch tube pan at 325 F for about 1 hour.
  7. Melt the chocolate and oil and top the cake.


5starcookies jimmy's cake
5starcookies jimmy’s cake
Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake

This recipes was made from the following link:

So, dear my readers if you love Great Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake you will love Dream Bars

5 Star Cookies - Dream Bars
5 star cookies dream bars

How about Oreo in Paris

Or my first recipe Mini Pavlova

Pavlova - Can you hear me
Pavlova – Eat me

If you want to make strong, Turkish coffee please follow the link Turkish Coffee

What else about the best coffee cake?

This coffee cake is MUST MAKE RECIPE!

It is really the best cake with coffee you will ever make or try! 

So, make it happen baking nation. Make it happen

Grandma's Famous Jimmy Cake
Grandma’s Famous Jimmy Cake or the best coffee cake


Good luck and good night

from your favorite baker







Sex and the City – Big P and Mr. Big

If you ever watch “Sex and the city” you would know who is the “Mr Big”!

But do you know who is the Big P?

The Big P is my new star cookie. He is one of those cookies with a big and I mean a big personality…you will notice him as soon as …well you can judge yourself

5starcookies big p
5starcookies big p

I am so and totally in love with BIG P! I can’t stop taking picture of him…and he has so much filling…

5starcookies big p outside
5starcookies big p outside

Happy Sunday my readers!

Enjoy your life. Eat some cookies…and DREAM…DREAM BIG…






5starcookies big p flowers
5starcookies big p flowers


The Mr. Big character was based on publishing executive Ron Galotti, former publisher of GQ and Talk.

Love and hugs

from your Cookie


MR P Cookies 109



Social Butterfly 5starcookies