Rigid Wink Cookies

Hello my virtual friends,

Welcome to my sweet life called 5 Star Cookies. On our menu today is the best and the easiest cookies you can possible imagine.

I called them the “Rigid Wink Cookies”.  If you want to see a soul of the cookies please check the picture below.

5 star cookies avalanche inside of cookies soul
5 star cookies Rigid Wink Cookies

What do you think CNN?

If you want to make this cookies and trust me you will, please be sure that you have the following ingredients in your kitchen.

They are:

1 cup Crispy Rice Cereal

3/4 cup Mini Marshmallows

1/4 cup Peanut Butter

1 3/4 cup White Chocolate

1/4 cup Chocolate Chips

  1. Melt the white chocolate and peanut butter together in a double boiler.
  2. Mix cereal and mini marshmallows in a bowl.
  3. Pour the melted white chocolate over the cereal mixture and stir until completely coated.
  4. Drop using an ice cream scoop onto the lined pan. (any size you want to be)
  5. Top the cookies with dark chocolate chips.
  6. Place in refrigerators until chocolate is set. (1/2 hour)
5 star cookies avalanche cookies together
5 star cookies Rigid Wink Cookies …Wink Wink

Then, start eating…Enjoy my best, Rigid Wink Cookies.

If you want the printed version please check the box below:

Rigid Wink Cookies

Rigid Wink Cookies

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1/4 cup Peanut Butter
  • 1 3/4 cup White Chocolate Chips
  • 1 cup Crispy Rice Cereal
  • 3/4 cup Mini Marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup Dark Chocolate Chips


  1. Melt the white chocolate and peanut butter together in a double boiler.
  2. Mix cereal and mini marshmallows in a bowl.
  3. Pour the melted white chocolate over the cereal mixture and stir until completely coated.
  4. Drop using an ice cream scoop onto the lined pan. (any size you want to be)
  5. Place in refrigerators until chocolate is set.

Love and hugs…and much more love

from your favorite blog


You can also check the links below:

Dream Cream Puffs

5 star cookies cream puffs icing sugar
5 star cookies cream puffs icing sugar


5 star cookies coffee cookies
5 star cookies coffee cookies


Baked Apple Perfection

Do you want something healthy, sweet, easy and inexpensive?

Why do I even ask…of course you do.

So, let’s do it. Let’s make the “BAKED APPLE PERFECTION”!

baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies
baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies

And God, we do need some kind of perfection in this life. Please let’s not talk about politics!

I am sick of it!

If you feel like me we need to move towards kitchen and start healthy show!

Let’s start baking! Let’s make the world healthy, happy and safe! For all of us!

So, what do we need?

We need:

3 apples, 5 TBSP Sugar,1 cup of walnuts, 10 Cups of water, whip cream….

2 TBSP Lemon Juice

My favorite apples are “Golden Delicious”.

5 star cookies - baked apple perfection
5 star cookies – baked apple perfection

1. Peel and core apples

 Peel and core apples.
Peel and core apples.

2. Bring 10 cups of water, 5 TBSP sugar, 2 TBSP Lemon Juice to boil.

Then add 3 apples and cook for 10 min.

Carefully take out apples into the baking pan and fill apple holes with ground walnuts. (see picture below)

Reserve syrup from step 2.

Carefully take out apples and leave them to cool.
Carefully take out apples and leave them to cool.

3. Bake apples at 350 F for 10 min.Then pour syrup over apples and leave them to cool.

Then you can garnish with whipped cream and walnuts.

baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies
baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies

Enjoy and you are welcome Canada!

baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies
baked apples perfection from the best food blog 5starcookies

If you are in a grouchy mood and you don’t like whip cream…please don’t use it.

Just enjoy the life… like a plain Jane…baked apples, walnuts and syrup!

5 star cookies - Baked Apples
5 star cookies – Baked Apples

Have a nice week!

Love and hugs

from your

5 star cookies





Vagina Monologues-Trump or Hillary

Dilemma of many Pussies
5starcookies-Mint Brownies
5starcookies-Mint Brownies

When they go low…. I go lower! In fact I go so low that I bump into my own vagina.

For a moment we are just staring into each other.

-Are you going to vote by me?

-Pardon me, I try to speak.

-Yes, I am asking you. Are you going to vote by me, your own vagina.

-I don’t understand – I try again.

-Do you know who Susan Sarandon is? She said she can’t vote based on gender because she does not vote with her vagina.

What about you?-she is asking me again.Who are you going to vote for? Trump or Hillary? Tell me, you are not voting for Trump!

-I can’t say that-I say to vagina. He loves you. He called you the “PUSSY”.

My vagina is shyly hiding behind bushes of dark hair and says:-He called me the pussy! Really! Nobody told me that.

I am thinking:-Look how easy is to convince people into your truth or your lies.

I try to inject a little more truth. Well, he said he likes to grab woman by pussy.

I am thinking, she will get it now.

But my vagina is in melting mood.

-He likes to grab woman by pussy. Can you believe the power I have. I am one of your most important erogenous zones.

Of course he likes to grab you by the pussy.

-You are not offended. I am screaming at my vagina now. You are not offended. All TV stations are reporting on it.

-O dear, my vagina say. Can you believe the media? You are smarter than that. Access Hollywood is the source. Do you get it?

Hollywood! Every day they create the story based on moral! Now my vagina is coughing and laughing in the same time.

-What is so funny? I am mad now.

-Well, you are. The story was created by Access Hollywood in the dark…You can’t see them, you just hear their voices. Do you get it?

-What the fuck am I supposed to get? I am so confused.

-You need to use your own brain-she says to me. And she keeps laughing…

-How can I do that?-I ask.

-Do you remember the movie “Monster’s ball” and Halle Berry the most famous sentence “Make me feel good”.

And then Billy Thornton fucks her from behind. Do you think that was OK and moral?-my vagina asks.

Did you have anybody questioning the language or the sex scene? Where was the moral then?

-But,that was the movie. It was an art- I inject.

-Really, my vagina says.That is your story or should I say that was the spin of the fucking story where the woman ask in a deep, disturbing voice “Make me feel good”

and then she gets “FUCKED”. Nobody said that was inappropriate. How come? Where was the moral then?

For a moment or two I am speechless. I don’t understand this world …never mind my vagina. She has mind of her own.

Then she says: – When they go low, we go high. Of course as long as you spread your legs apart…

What the F…    ..How I am going to vote?

-Don’t vote for Killary – she says.

-You mean Hillary!- I say.

-No, I mean Killary Killton!

-But that is not her name!

-But it is her personality.

Oh God I am so confused, I don’t know what to do? By vagina I can’t vote for Killary and by fear I can’t vote for Trump.

What woman or any human should do? Make me feel good….Where is Billy when you need him?

Luckily…”O Canada” is playing in background…


And if God is listening “Please keep us all safe!”. Together we are stronger and we WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


And say “Hi” to your pussy when you get low…it is one of the most important erogenous zone….and listen to your body….your heart!



5starcookies - The Best Mint Brownies
5starcookies-Mint Brownies








Hey YOU – Ice Cream Cones Popcorn Ball

Hey you. Yes, you.

The one staring out of your kitchen window, wondering what to make today and wishing that you were doing something more exciting with your life.

Like driving an expensive yellow sports car, traveling to Italy or just swimming with the dolphins…

Yes, you do have thirst for a little adventure, do you not? The world is at your feet, but which direction should you step?

Well, for today we are taking direction of making combo of my two favorite things, popcorn and ice cream cones.

Yes, we are making “Ice Cream Cones Popcorn Ball”! Hey you. Yes, you. Smile and let’s have some fun!

5starcookies popcorn star cones
5starcookies alone popcorn star cones

We need the following ingredients:

4 cups popcorn

20 gr butter

3/4 cup marshmallows

6 ice cream cones

Optional: chocolate,sprinkles,M&M

Prepare your ice cream cones!

5starcookies empty cones
5starcookies empty cones

In a medium sauce pan melt butter over low heat.

Add marshmallows and stir until melted.

Pour over popcorn and stir until coated completely and evenly. (very important)

Spray your hands with cooking spray and form mixture into a ball. Press coated ball into ice cream cone. Repeat with remaining mixture.

5starcokies popcorn 6 cones
5starcokies popcorn 6 cones

And look what you made, you little adventurous person!

Yes, you can still dream about wide skies, forest in Costa Rica or you can try to talk to your ice cream cones popcorn balls!

No, I am not kidding…Popcorn Balls can talk!

Have you ever heard about quantum physics or how do you know you’re meant for big things?

Well, this popcorn balls know and you will find soon about it!

5starcookies popcor
5starcookies popcorn in angle

Hey you! Yes, YOU!

Dream big!

Love and hugs

from your favorite blog

5 star cookies





CSI – Cherry Strudel Crime Scene

Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems to be perfect?

It is a sunny day outside, your soul is at the peace and your generous heart full of chocolate is asking for  … let me pause for a moment….your heart is asking for fruit …Are you kidding me?

Of course, I am. To be exact the heart is asking for cherry strudel. Oh you greedy heart, how can I say no to you?

Of course I can’t and being the hard working person that I am I am moving my body towards my little kitchen and

I am going to create the magic called Cherry Strudel.

Like always, the project manager in me needs to create the ingredients list.

So, what do we need?

-flour, butter, sour cream, sugar,cornstarch, cherries…Easy, don’t you think?

Once you have all ingredients let me show you your destination in making…Cherry Strudel!

5 star cookies cherry strudel piece 1
5 star cookies cherry strudel piece 1

Now, when you have the ingredients list and picture of destination let’s start baking.

First step – strudel dough. (You can use mixer, blender or your hands)

I use blender. Mix 1 cup of flour and 1/2 cup butter.

Add 1/2 cup sour cream (14%) and keep mixing it until all ingredients are blended together.

Form a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let rest for at least one hour or up to overnight.

Now, you completed your first step.

Step 2 – Stretch dough

Sprinkle wax paper lightly with flour and place dough in center.

With a floured rolling pin, roll out dough into a rectangular shape 12 x 9. Dough should be thin as tissue paper.

Step 3 – make cherry filling and sugar mixture (the recipe is below)

Step 4 – Fill the dough with fruit mixture

Sprinkle the dough with 1/4 cup of sugar mixture, add 2 cups cherries and top with the rest of sugar mixture.

Fold dough over half of cherry mixture and then fold other half. Seal the edges. (very important, all of them)

Cherry Filling:

2 cups cherries

Sugar Mixture

1 cup sugar

1/8 cup flour

1/8 cup cornstarch

Mix sugar, flour and cornstarch.

5starcookeis unbaked strudel
5starcookeis unbaked strudel

Bake at 400 F for 30 min. until lightly brown.

5starcookies strudel 3 pieces
5starcookies strudel 3 pieces

Start eating….

5starcookies cherry strudel
5starcookies cherry strudel

CSI - Cherry Strudel Crime Scene

CSI - Cherry Strudel Crime Scene


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • Filling:
  • 2 cup cherries
  • Sugar Filling:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/8 cup flour
  • 1/8 cup cornstarch


  1. Using blender mix flour and butter.
  2. Add 1/2 cup sour cream.
  3. Mix all into a ball and refrigerate for 1 hour or longer.
  4. Roll the ball into a rectangular shape 12 x 9.
  5. Fill the middle with 1/4 cup sugar mixture, add 2 cups cherries and top with the rest of sugar mixture (1 cup)
  6. Fold dough over half of mixture and then fold other half.
  7. Bake at 400 F for 30 min.
  8. Top with icing sugar or walnuts if you like.
  9. Enjoy!

So, how can you have a perfect day and CSI – Cherry Strudel Crime Scene?

Let me, show you….

5 star cookies Cherry Studel CSIcrime scene on balcony
5 star cookies crime scene on balcony

Don’t you love this crime..nothing that little tongue can’t fix it!

5starcokies Cherry crime scene
5starcokies crime scene

So, what was my mistake? Look the picture below and try to guess…

5starcookies unbaked strudel check mistake
5starcookies CSI Cherry Strudel

I did not seal all edges…you can see the sugar mixture above and cherry ready for the baking crime….

5 star Cherry Strudel crime scene
5 star cookies crime scene

However, it still was the best strudel for my chocolate heart … and don’t worry about the cherry mess…any child would lick it. (adults too)

Please let’s have baking crime as the only crime in this Universe….and let’s make this world the place of peace and love.

And somewhere in my garden birds are singing…and sending you….

5starcookies birds
5starcookies birds

Sending you love, cookies, cakes and cherries strudel from my imaginary piece of virtual reality called

5 star cookies

And if you love cherry strudel you might like cherry cookies Dark Chocolate Cookies with Cherries

Dark Chocolate with Cherrries
Dark Chocolate with Cherrries

Love and hugs

from  5 star cookies and your










My Top 5 Recipes

1.Oreo in Paris-Click for link Oreo in Paris
5 star cookies - Oreo in Paris
5 star cookies – Oreo in Paris

2.Coffee Chocolate Walnut Cookies – Coffee Chocolate Walnut Cookies

5 star cookies coffe cookies


3.Sandwich Threesome-Oreo-Reese’s-Oreo – Sandwich Threesome Link

5 star cookies-Oreo Sandwich
5 star cookies-Oreo Sandwich

4.Mini Pavlova-Mini Pavlova Link

Pavlova Side View
Pavlova Side View

5.Dream Bars-Click for link

5 Star Cookies - Dream Bars
5 star cookies dream bars

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Love and hugs from your favorite blog, 5 STAR COOKIES and

your Cookie

5 star cookies – Home Page

Oreo Nutella Cream Puffs

5starcookies oreo cream puffs
5starcookies oreo cream puffs

It is Sunday, May 15, 2016. and I am listening The Bangles – Manic Monday!

My kitchen is having the Oreo Day. I know the Oreo Day does not exist but I am making one.

The recipe is the Oreo Nutella Cream Puffs.

5 star cookeis oreo cream puffs
5 star cookeis oreo cream puffs

The first step is to make Cream Puffs.  Before you start making them please read the most important information if you want recipe to be success:


Now you are ready to follow the recipes. Please check the link below:



20 Oreos

1/4 coconut oil


Using food processor, pulse Oreos and coconut oil for about 1 to 2 min.

Turn on the food processor and let it run (roughly 3 to 5 min) or until you are left with the consistency you’d like.

Cut puff horizontally, spoon some Nutella, add Oreo filling,and top with more Nutella.

Place the top of the pastry shell on the Nutella, drizzle with Oreo filling and Oreo crumbs.


5 star cookies oreo cream puffs side
5 star cookies oreo cream puffs side


“Manic Monday”

Six o’clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin’ Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can’t be late
‘Cause then I guess I just won’t get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already madeIt’s just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
‘Cause that’s my fun day
My I don’t have to run day
It’s just another manic MondayHave to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an aeroplane
I still couldn’t make it on time
‘Cause it takes me so long just to figure out what I’m gonna wear
Blame it on the train
But the boss is already thereIt’s just another manic Monday
Wish it were Sunday
‘Cause that’s my fun day
My I don’t have to run day
It’s just another manic MondayAll of the nights
Why did my lover have to pick last night
To get down?
(Last night, last night)
Doesn’t it matter
That I have to feed the both of us
Employment’s down
He tells me in his bedroom voice
“C’mon honey, let’s go make some noise”
Time it goes so fast
(When you’re having fun)
5 star cookies oreo cream puffs
5 star cookies oreo cream puffs

Love and hugs from your favorite 5 star cookies

and your Cookie


5 star cookies oreo cream puffs balcony
5 star cookies oreo cream puffs balcony

See you soon…

oreo cream puffs from the best food blog 5starcookies
oreo cream puffs from the best food blog 5starcookies

Do you think I’m sexy-Chocolate Puffed Bars

5 star cookies side view chocolate rice
5 star cookies side view chocolate rice

As Rod Stewart is singing “Do you think I’m sexy” my chocolate filled and sugar obsession mind is asking for something simple, easy and fast?

And good for me too…Come on, Rod help me…and Eureka, the answer is here. Let’s make the “Chocolate Puffed Bars”.

Rod is still singing “If you want my body and you think I’m sexy.. come on honey tell me so…If you really need me just reach out and touch me…come on sugar let me know”.

Oh Rod, if you only know.

I need 2 ingredients: chocolate chips and puffed wheat cereal.

1 cup chocolate chips and 1 cup puffed wheat cereal
5starcookies 1 cup puffed wheat and 1 cup chocolate chips

Start the process by melting 1 cup of chocolate chips in a double boiler or saucepan on the stove top over low heat.

Add the cereal into the melted chocolate and mix thoroughly.

Line a baking sheet or any plate with parchment paper and set aside. Spread the mixture on the prepared baking sheet or the plate and place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.


5 star cookies chocolate rice side 2

Now, you can have it…sexy, simple and yours chocolate puffed bars.

Do you think I'm sexy-Chocolate Puffed Bars

Do you think I'm sexy-Chocolate Puffed Bars


  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 cup puffed wheat cereal


  1. Melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler or saucepan on the stove top over low heat.
  2. Add 1 cup cereal into the melted chocolate and mix thoroughly.
  3. Spread the mixture on the prepared baking sheet.
  4. Place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
  5. Cut it into bars and place them on a serving tray.

You can use it as a gift for someone … your dad, brother or someone you love

5 star cookies chocolate rice with tie
5 star cookies gift
5starcookies front chocoalte rice
5starcookies front chocolate wheat

“Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?”

Sugar, sugar

She sits alone waiting for suggestions
He’s so nervous avoiding all the questions
His lips are dry, her heart is gently pounding
Don’t you just know exactly what they’re thinking

If you want my body and you think I’m sexy
come on sugar let me know.
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on honey tell me so
Tell me so baby

He’s acting shy looking for an answer
Come on honey let’s spend the night together
Now hold on a minute before we go much further
Give me a dime so I can phone my mother
They catch a cab to his high rise apartment
At last he can tell her exactly what his heart meant

If you want my body and you think I’m sexy
come on honey tell me so
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know

His heart’s beating like a drum
‘cos at last he’s got this girl home
Relax baby now we are alone

They wake at dawn ‘cos all the birds are singing
Two total strangers but that ain’t what they’re thinking
Outside it’s cold, misty and it’s raining
They got each other neither one’s complaining
He say’s I sorry but I’m out of milk and coffee
Never mind sugar we can watch the early movie

If you want my body and you think I’m sexy
come on sugar let me know
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on honey tell me so

If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know
If you really, really, really, really need me
just let me know
Just reach out and touch me
If you really want me
just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
come on sugar let me know
If you, if you, if you really need me
just come on and tell me so

Love and hugs
from your favorite 5 star cookies
If you like chocolate puffed bars you might like to make Oreo chocolate – Oreo Chocolate
5 star cookies oreo chocolate
5 star cookies oreo chocolate

You can try White Chocolate and Wafer Hazelnut Filling

5 star cookies white hazelnut chocolate
5 star cookies white hazelnut chocolate

How about some threesome Oreo-Reeses-Oreo

5 star cookies-Oreo Sandwich
5 star cookies-Oreo Sandwich

Live with Michael Strahan and Oreo Chocolate

5 star cookies oreo chocolate
5 star cookies oreo chocolate

Friday, May 13, 2016. will be the last day for Michael Strahan on our favorite morning show “Live with Kelly and Michael”.

So, just for Michael I am going to make a very special “Oreo Chocolate”.

It is a combo of my two favorite colors, white and black.

You only need only a few ingredients, white chocolate, Oreos, sprinkles and color sugar.

Oreo Chocolate

Oreo Chocolate


  • 1 Package White Chocolate Chips (226 gr)
  • ¼ cup Oreo Crumbs
  • Sprinkles and Color Sugar


  1. Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Set aside.
  2. In the food processor, whiz Oreo cookies until reduced to crumbs. Set aside.
  3. Melt the white chocolate chips using double boiler.
  4. Pour melted chocolate onto prepared baking sheet and spread out into a large rectangle or any shape you want to.
  5. Add ¼ cup of Oreo crumbs and press into chocolate.
  6. IMPORTANT!Keep pressing until Oreo crumbs are inside of the chocolate.
  7. Decorate with sprinkles and color sugar.
  8. Set in the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes or until no longer wet-looking. It will look like the picture below.

Your product is a picture perfect, Oreo Chocolate.

5 star cookies oreo white chocolate 69
5 star cookies oreo white chocolate 69

Good luck, Michael!!!

Good Morning America is lucky to have you.

5starcookiessoreo white chocolate
5starcookiessoreo white chocolate

Sending you a lots of love and hugs!

Your favorite blog, 5 STAR COOKIES


5 star cookies oreo chocolate 2
5 star cookies oreo chocolate 2





White Sport, White Chocolate and Wafer Hazelnut Filling

5 star cookies White Chocolate
5 star cookies White Chocolate

Today, Novak Djokovic beat defending champion Andy Murray 6-2 3-6 6-3 in the Madrid Open final.

And since tennis is considered a white sport I wanted to make something special, easy and white.

It is called White Chocolate and Wafer Hazelnut Filling.

You need only 2 ingredients:

-white chocolate chips and wafer with hazelnut filling

In the food processor, whiz wafer cookies until reduced to crumbs. (Just think how Novak Djokovic whizzed Murray). Set aside.

Melt the white chocolate chips using double boiler.

Pour melted chocolate onto prepared baking sheet and spread out into a large rectangle or any shape you want to.

5 star cookies white chocolate
5 star cookies white chocolate

Add 1/4 cup of wafer crumbs and press into chocolate. Keep pressing until wafer are inside of the chocolate.

Be sure wafer crumbs are inside of white chocolate.

Set in the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes or until no longer wet-looking. It will look like the picture below.

5 star cookies white hazelnut chocolate
5 star cookies white hazelnut chocolate

Cut into pieces and share with all people you love..If you have nobody to love (that’s sad), send your love towards tennis no 1 player, Novak Djokovic.

5 star cookies White Chocolate with Hazelnut Filling
5 star cookies White Chocolate with Hazelnut Filling
White Sport, White Chocolate and Wafer Hazelnut Filling

White Sport, White Chocolate and Wafer Hazelnut Filling


  • 1 Package White Chocolate Chips (226 gr)
  • 1/4 cup Crumbs (Use Wafer with hazelnut filling)


  1. Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Set aside.
  2. In the food processor, whiz wafer cookies until reduced to crumbs. Set aside.
  3. Melt the white chocolate chips using double boiler.
  4. Pour melted chocolate onto prepared baking sheet and spread out into a large rectangle or any shape you want to.
  5. Add 1/4 cup of wafer crumbs and press into chocolate. Keep pressing until wafer are inside of the chocolate.
  6. Set in the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes or until no longer wet-looking. It will look like the picture below.
5 Star Cookies - White Chocolate
5 Star Cookies – White Chocolate


 Love and Hugs from your favorite blog



Social Butterfly 5starcookies