If you want crepes recipe made with 100 percent water – we have the recipe. For YOU. Yes, you. Fab, skinny you who counts calories but not just calories. Also, dollars. Yes, with this recipe you can save money and stay skinny. So, if you want to learn how to make the best crepes in the world using water…keep reading.

Hello my dear readers,
If you got milk, you can make cheese...if you got water you can make the best crepes.
Yes, I am going to share yet another amazing crepe recipe.
Made with water.
Healthy, easy and cheap.
Yes, I know this is the recipe you are looking for.
And now you can have it.
The ingredients for this recipe are simple:
- flour
- eggs
- salt
- water
So, for your basic crepe recipe you need only 3 ingredients.
Now, let’s move and make this amazing recipe.

Crepes Recipe Made with 100 percent Water
4 eggs, large size (organic if you can)
1 cup flour (all purpose, unbleached)
1/8 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups water
For this recipe you will need KitchenAid mixer or any mixer you have.
Add the following ingredients into mixing bowl:
eggs, flour, salt and water.
Turn your mixer on and mix until all ingredients are mixed and happy together.
To clarify, the batter needs to be smooth.
And you are done. You just made the best crepe recipe using 100% water.
At this point you can refrigerate for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes you are ready to make your first crepe.
Heat a greased frying pan or crepe pan over medium heat.
Pour 1/4 cup of crepe batter then tilt the pan continuously to swirl batter around to cover surface.
Cook until firm.
Then flip the crepe with knife or spatula.
Cook the other side for few seconds and transfer to the plate.
Repeat until you used all batter or until you made enough for yourself or your family.
BTW, you can make a few crepes and transfer the rest of crepe batter into the fridge. (cover with foil)
Your next step is easy – Making Crepe Filling
You can make sweet or savory crepe filling. Check the options below. They are all simple and easy.
Fillings for Crepes made with Water
Sweet fillings for crepe:
- honey
- walnuts
- melted chocolate
- Nutella
- Raspberry Jam or any kind you like
Savory Crepe Fillings:
- Sour Cream (14%)
- Feta Cheese
- Roasted red peppers
- cherry tomatoes
- ham
- garlic
- onions
Place a crepe on a plate. Cover with the filling of your choice.
Fold or roll them over the filling any way you want.
This is my crepe filling option: 1 tsp of sour cream and roasted red peppers. So, yummy.

Are you ready to eat?

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Don’t forget:
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Crepes Recipe Made with 100 percent Water
If you want crepes recipe made with 100 percent water - we have the recipe
Healthy, easy and cheap.
Save money and stay skinny.
- 4 eggs, large size (organic if you can)
- 1 cup flour (all purpose, unbleached)
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups water
For this recipe you will need KitchenAid mixer or any mixer you have.
Add the following ingredients into mixing bowl:
eggs, flour, salt and water.
Turn your mixer on and mix until all ingredients are mixed and happy together.
To clarify, the batter needs to be smooth.
And you are done. You just made the best crepe recipe using 100% water.
At this point you can refrigerate for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes you are ready to make your first crepe.
Heat a greased frying pan or crepe pan over medium heat.
Pour 1/4 cup of crepe batter then tilt the pan continuously to swirl batter around to cover surface.
Cook until firm.
Then flip the crepe with knife or spatulla.
Cook the other side for few seconds and transfer to the plate.
Repeat until you used all batter or until you made enough for yourself or your family.
BTW, you can make a few crepes and transfer the rest of crepe batter into the fridge. (cover with foil)
Your next step is easy - Making Crepe Filling
You can make sweet or savory crepe filling. Check the options below. They are all simple and easy.
Sweet fillings for crepe:
melted chocolate
Raspberry Jam or any kind you like
Savory Crepe Fillings:
Sour Cream (14%)
Feta Cheese
Roasted red peppers
cherry tomatoes
Place a crepe on a plate. Cover with the filling of your choice.
Fold or roll them over the filling any way you want.
This is my crepe filling option: 1 tsp of sour cream and roasted red peppers. So, yummy.
Enjoy and share this easy and cheap crepe recipe made with water.
Final Note
You don’t need milk to make the best crepes.
By using just water you can make the most amazing crepes recipe.
Think calories, think saving money.
Yes, making crepes with water is way to go.
Save money – Stay skinny.

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Thank you for visiting the best food blog, 5 star cookies.
Love and hugs
from your
See you soon…
Don’t forget…
Be KIND… Always.
And one more question from your crepe teacher and 5 star cookies:
Are you afraid of making crepes now? Of course not.
Thank you.
You are professional now. You can make better crepes than French chef.
To learn more about history of crepes…check the link