Chocolate Meringue Cookies

These simple meringue cookies will melt in your mouth.
To make them you will use whipped egg whites and sugar.
Super easy and fast recipe.
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Chocolate Meringue Cookies – Action Time
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- egg whites, cream of tartar, icing sugar
- heavy cream, chocolate
3 egg whites (ROOM TEMPERATURE!)
3/4 cup icing sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Preheat oven to 225 F.
Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
Be sure that mixing bowl is clean.
Place 3 egg whites into a mixing bowl and beat for about 1 min. (until frothy)
Add 1/2 tsp cream of tartar.
Beat until soft peaks form.
At this point start adding 3/4 cup icing sugar.
Please add very slowly.
This is important! Please add sugar very, very s-l-o-w.
Mix until sugar dissolved and stiff peaks form.
Pipe the rose on the parchment paper. ( I used a Wilton 1M open star or you can use 2D)

The size of rose is 2 inches.
Bake at 225 F for about 40 minutes.
Turn the oven off and don’t open the door.
Leave the meringues in the oven to finish drying for 1 hour.
After one hour, let cookies completely cool.
Chocolate Filling
300 gr Lindt chocolate with hazelnut (chopped into a small pieces)
3/4 cup heavy cream
Using a small sauce pan bring heavy cream to a simmer.
Pour over chopped chocolate.
Let stand for 5 minutes.
Stir until smooth.
Let cool in the fridge. (2 to 3 hours)
Assembly Line (think manufacturing)
Take the meringue cookie and pipe chocolate filling.
Place the second cookie on top.
Repeat until all cookies are done.

Make sure to assemble the cookies no more than 1 hour before serving. (the moist in the whipping cream will soften the cookies)

To print the recipe, please check the box below. These simple meringue cookies will melt in your mouth.
Chocolate Meringue Cookies

Important for this recipe
-egg whites must be room temperature
-mixing bowl must be clean
-soft peak – when you lift the whisk, the tips will fall over
-stiff peaks – when you lift the whisk and the tips stick straight up
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Start with this recipe.
Wow, I love, love your blog.
This recipe is sensational and it is going to be my weekend project.
Hi Tanja,
It is super easy recipe.
I love your blog.
Your pictures are stunning.
I never made meringue cookies.
Your recipe is very easy. (just a few ingredients)
BTW, the filling is the real heaven. (Lindt chocolate and hazelnut-my favorite)