Happy Easter - Rice and Happy Eggs - 5 Star Cookies Skip to Recipe

Happy Easter – Rice and Happy Eggs

Hello my dear readers,

For this special day we need a special project.

Dye Easter Eggs With Rice

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice

This is so easy and mess free project and you will get beautifully colored Easter eggs.

What do you need for this project? (check your shopping list below)

Shopping List

-dry rice ( I bought 2 lbs)

-food coloring ( I used Wilson food gel coloring)

-plastic bags (Ziploc from the dollar store)

-boiled eggs

-plastic gloves

Dye Easter Eggs With Rice-Action Time

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-dye Easter eggs with rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-dye Easter eggs with rice


-eggs (use as many as you want to)

-1/2 cup rice /per bag


Boil the eggs.

Cool them for a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! You want eggs to be warmer because the color will stick better.

While the eggs are cooling, lets prepare colored rice.

Use one plastic bag per color of your choice. (I started with red)

Pour 1/2 cup of rice in bag #1

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-add 1/2 cup rice into a bag
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-add 1/2 cup rice into a bag

Squeeze a liberal amount of red food coloring into it.

Shake the rice so it is is coated. Make as many bags as you want to.

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-add 1/2 cup rice into a bag and add red color
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-add 1/2 cup rice into a bag and add red color

Add your egg, close the bag and shake the egg.

Imagine you are a very gently bartender. Shake it for 30 to 45 seconds.

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-ad your egg into a bag and shake it
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-ad your egg into a bag and shake it

Do you see your egg inside of this bag?

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-ad your egg into a bag and shake it
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-ad your egg into a bag and shake it

Take the egg out and you will have the most beautiful pattern from the dyed rice.

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg

Now, find the bag number 2 and repeat the steps above.

Use as many bags as you wanted.

Rice will dry very quickly so keep adding more color into the bag.

Enjoy your creation!

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg

To print this recipe, please check the box below.

Happy Easter - Rice and Happy Eggs

Happy Easter - Rice and Happy Eggs

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Easy project for Easter.


  • -eggs (use as many as you want to)
  • -1/2 cup rice /per bag


  1. Boil the eggs.
  2. Cool them for a few minutes.
  3. IMPORTANT! You want eggs to be warmer because the color will stick better.
  4. While the eggs are cooling, lets prepare colored rice.
  5. Use one plastic bag per color of your choice. (I started with red)
  6. Pour 1/2 cup of rice in bag #1 and squeeze a liberal amount of red food coloring into it.
  7. Shake the rice so it is is coated. Make as many bags as you want to.
  8. Add your egg, close the bag and shake the egg.
  9. Imagine you are a very gently bartender. Shake it for 30 to 45 seconds.
  10. Take the egg out and you will have the most beautiful pattern from the dyed rice.
  11. Now, find the bag number 2 and repeat the steps above.
  12. Use as many bags as you wanted.
  13. Rice will dry very quickly so keep adding more color into the bag.
  14. Enjoy your creation!

This project can be done with kids.


Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice

Blast from the past – Onion Skin – How to naturally dye eggs

-another idea-using the lemon bags

 naturally dye eggs-using the lemon bags
naturally dye eggs-using the lemon bags
 naturally dye eggs-using the lemon bags
naturally dye eggs-using the lemon bags

Thank you for visiting 5starcookies.com

Love and hugs

from your


See you soon…

Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice
Easter from the best food blog 5starcookies-your colored egg using rice





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