For your future – High-Fat Bombs

Hello my readers,
Yes, I am calling UN and you are going to be attacked.
So prepare yourself….The bombing is starting in a few minutes.
It will be done for YOU.
Yes, YOU.
A little fat and a lot unhappy, loving YOU.
BTW, I don’t like fat shaming. This bombing is the necessary action for our bodies, our happiness
and our happy, skinny future. (dreaming is always necessary)
Since you are ready, time is now.
Let’s do it.
Healthy High-Fat Bombs

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup almond butter
1 TBSP honey
1/8 cup ground walnuts
Melt 1/4 cup coconut oil and 1/4 cup almond butter on a very low heat.

Stir 1 TBSP honey.
Take off the heat and add 1/8 cup ground walnuts.
Mix everything together.
Pour into an ice cube tray.
Top with nut pieces if you like.
Cool in the freezer.

I know, I will.
To print the recipe, please check the box below. High-fat snacks to help you lose weight. I know you want it. Create happy, healthy YOU!
Healthy High-Fat Bombs for Healthy Body

And the most important ingredients for this bombs is LOVE!
Love yourself and your body.
And always cook with LOVE!

Thank you for visiting
Love and hugs
from your favorite food blog
and Cookie
“Cooking with love provides food for the soul.”
Where did you get that?