Alkaline Water – Happy Escape to Higher pH Society

For your personal health make it happen!

How to make your own….


Alkaline Water



8 cups or 2 L of filtered water

1 tsp Himalayan salt

1 organic lemon, washed and cut into 8 pieces



Big jar (cookie jar) or

8 Cup Glass Measuring cup  8Cup Glass Measuring Cup or




Add 8 cups or 2 liters of water to your pitcher / jar.

Cut one organic lemon into 8 pieces.

Add them to your water and 1 tsp of Himalayan salt.

Important: Just add lemon pieces, don’t squeeze the juice.

Cover and let it rest overnight at room temperature. (8 to 12 hours)

Next morning start your day by drinking 3 glasses of the water before you eat or drink.

Use an alkaline water whenever possible.

Your body will say the biggest “THANK YOU”!


So, if you want to lose weight, prevent obesity, diabetes, kidney or bladder stones  start drinking

Alkaline Water.

Love and hugs

from your favorite food blog and Cookie


For the visual addition please click the following link Alkaline water – Visual Addition

2 thoughts on “Alkaline Water – Happy Escape to Higher pH Society”

  1. Hi, I promise you, I am not a stalker.
    I just love your food blog.
    The recipes are so simple and amazing.
    And your combo of cooking + health is winning.
    From time to time it is important to make healthy food for our bodies.
    I will be back….

    • Hi Sylvia,
      Thank you for visiting my blog.
      I believe it is important to have balance in life.
      Yes, we can and we will eat cookies.
      However, from time to time pay attention to your health.
      It is your body. And you have to respect it.
      Once again, thank you for visiting my blog.


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