What if your shadow wakes up before you, real you because the windows, walls and doors are screaming: “You have no balls in this life?
You loser. What is your problem?”
Just for a moment you get confused and you say to yourself: “Am I watching CNN? Does somebody try to wash my brain because I did not
take shower last night? What is happening in this life?”
“Nothing, silly” , some creepy voice answered. It is me.
Your Cookie from 5 star cookies trying to make introduction for my new food post called “The best chocolate cake balls”.
Fuck off you bitch! You scare me! Why is everything today about exploring “vulnerable part of people personality”.
“I don’t know, “- I tell my shadow in my best Barbara Walters voice. Like I said I am here for you.
“So, how come I woke up before you? You lying son of a bitch …why did you let me if you care”-my shadow asks.
Well, I was about to answer in my deep, concern voice when my alarm started and real me woke up.
Hello sunshine – sings my plate. Let’s grab life by the balls. CAKE BALLS! Ready?

Of course I am! I am ready to make the best chocolate cake balls.
So, all my ballsy friends let’s start with the ingredients.
You will need:
1 cup of cake crumbs
2 Tbsp melted chocolate
1/2 TBSP rum
1/2 tsp orange oil
Prepare the cake. I used the cake recipe from Nutella Chocolate Love Cake. Follow the link:Cake Recipe
Crumb small part of the cake in order to have 1 cup cake crumbs. ( What to do with the rest of the cake? I will explain soon….)
Melt chocolate in a small bowl over a pan of simmering water making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water,
then leave to cool.
When chocolate is cool, add 1 cup of cake crumbs, 1/2 Tbsp rum and mix. You will need to use your muscle.
Keep mixing until the mixture looks happy to you. Trust me you will know. Extreme mixing is important.
Then, add orange oil and mix again.
Now, roll the mixture into 1-inch balls. You will get 10 balls.
Chill 3 to 4 hr.

Now, you are ready to coat.
1 cup chocolate chips
1 tsp oil
Melt chocolate and oil in a bowl over a pan of simmering water making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water,
then leave to cool.
Drop chocolate cake balls in melted chocolate to coat.
Lift ball from chocolate, tapping off excess and place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
Repeat with remaining balls. Store, loosely covered, in refrigerator.
ENJOY! And always…always…

Always admire your art – the best chocolate cake balls

Look inside and think about yourself…your dreams, your soul….and imagine

Explore your heart….”your heart knows things that your mind can’t explain”

Easy for ballsy people...Are you one of them?
Chocolate Cake Balls

And share, share life with people you love by sharing your art – chocolate cake balls

So, my dear friends if you want to become ballsy you know what to do. Start making the best chocolate cake balls.
And keep dreaming….because you know, you have to fake it until you make it.
And if your shadow wakes up before you…don’t worry…BE HAPPY!
Love, hugs and chocolate balls for all ballsy people…
Your 5starcookies.com and your Cookie Quinn
OMG, your writing is exceptional.
I love how easy this recipe is.
Sara, thank you.